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Custom CPACKs & Units
VPAC CPACKs download location

Map: VPAC Extermination Protocol

VPAC Wiki - Vertu's Play As Creeper

This wiki page references all VPAC CPACKs and will discuss VPAC as a whole rather than focusing on a single CPACK and what it brings. You may also use this page to navigate the KnuckleCracker wiki to find pages of VPAC units ranging from your units as the player, to various enemy units.


All units currently in VPAC






Friendly Non-Player Units

Enemies typically found in VPAC



Ultra Heavy

  • NONE (All current ultra heavy units fall in the category of a unit that can directly damage your VPAC Units).


Enemies that can directly damage VPAC structures


Ultra Heavy

How things role around here.

You are a Nexus C.V-S User created by Vertu in the VWC project. Your task is to aid Vertu in the exploitation of the CW4 Universe by following external orders and having the ability to self evaluate targets, situations, and general awareness to be efficient in your task. Victory is always inevitable but it is up to you to be efficient in obtaining said victory. However, sometimes you may encounter defenses so great you will need to work and deserve the victory as opposed to the general inevitability.

You will descend from the realms of the void onto various planets to launch Incursions to exterminate the enemy defenses, leaving the place ripe for Immediate Vertu Installation once nothing but Creeper and VWC systems remain.
Typically we will give you targets that have created a fortress as to aid in VWC project niches. It is not just about winning as you might know. So expect the enemy to always put up some kind of a fight.
Now onto a list of policies and doctrines:

You, as a Nexus C.V-S User will:

  • Initially attack the enemy during Incursion Instigation in the most ineffective way possible to make the Incursion as challenging as possible as to provide useful data for the VWC project. We can have you just land an Invader Emitter at high velocities on top of the Rift Lab with ease to instantly destroy it, but this will be more of a waste of time due to the inevitability of victory and lack of battle information to report for the VWC project.
  • Obliterate the Rift Lab operating as the heart of their fortress.
  • Not loose all operating Nexi in an Incursion by breaching their individual failure states.
  • Give the enemy not a drop of mercy or remorse. Total annihilation of the Rift Lab is the absolute objective in any Incursion Mission, even in the presence of prerequisite objectives. Negotiations are not an option outside of extenuating circumstances.
  • Respect all orders from Vertu related sources with sufficient clearance and authority towards you, Nexus C.V-S User.
  • Exterminate any and all Creeper systems that fail to integrate under control of the VWC project.

For more doctrines and policies see <DATA EXPUNGED>.

What is VPAC?

VPAC stands for Vertu's Play As Creeper.
For quick context, when I, Vertu, started making PAC maps I found the PAC Scripts (and models) disappointing and flawed. I like optimizing everything I touch and the optimization of the PAC scripts and units is how VPAC was created as this optimization stretched so far, my alterations made that modified PAC unrelatable to the original PAC. That is how VPAC was born.

VPAC is an ADVANCED PAC but at this point, “advanced” and “Vertu” seem to be the same thing as when I make something, it tends to always be extremely advanced. VPAC aims to provide a maximum number of ways to complete a map and maximize and specialize the tools you have to do so. A perfect example is the TCML which fires missiles that can destroy a single target or a group of targets within enemy lines reliably. Very different to using Blobs and Spores and far more specialized. It fills a unique role in your arsenal.

That is the rule of VPAC, have something for every situation. Every unit must fill a niche, a role, a specialty. This rule extends to the original PAC units pre-modification. The Launcher can grow in power over time and be a superior general purposed support unit, providing actual “frontline strength” rather than just more Creeper. The Stash is an efficient wave generator which can release massive impulses of Creep the enemy defenses where not ready to handle. The Egg Fabricator is Creeper transportation to transfer Creeper from one location, mainly the backlines, to another such as the frontlines.

VPAC wants to keep your options opened and have no situation where the units fail you. That is why any unit which fires anything has the ability to hold fire. Maximum user control. One if my biggest disappointments in the original PAC CPACK's is the lack of user control over virtually all units. That disappointment has been utterly obliterated.

VPAC is most certainly a more skill based version of PAC. LPAC (Lazy Play As Creeper) is less skill based than PAC and more chill with less control over all units. VPAC is the exact opposite of LPAC. Now, although that is the case and VPAC is complicated, it is designed where if you put effort into learning the units, you will figure them out quickly. It can be overwhelming with all the special units but you can very well complete missions with just the original, basic PAC units while also finding out of their increased user control. User friendliness is of utmost concern in VPAC but if you are unwilling to learn how to use the units there is nothing that can be done.

Tutorial Missions

  • TCML Tutorial Mission

Road Map

  1. Add Forb Deployer/Fabricator! NEXT! I will not make a VPAC map until the unit has been made and that map will revolve around it much like VPAC Air Sacs Debut!
  2. Fix things that break and add misc-things (general maintenance and refinements).
  3. Add different types of starts other than landing Emitters.
  4. Add late game units like a Battle Drone. Flying Lancer that costs a lot of power. [Can be abandoned]

VPAC CPACKs download location
Custom CPACKs & Units

cw4/cpack/vpac_wiki_page.1675568130.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/02/04 22:35 by Vertu