Packet types

Started by jasvinderm, August 17, 2010, 08:45:06 AM

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Hey I was Just playing and I weird thought occurred to me, and then a suggestion :D

I was wondering if you could set OC to only send out certain packet types, like say if i'm building a defence with lots of buildings at once, but there is a sudden attack or something and i only want OC to send out the red packets of energy, and stop all building. This means I don't waste precious energy on buildings during a fight with the creeper. Then also maybe at a stage where getting the buildings complete is an important task I can set it to only distribute grey packets?

This could be used just to have more control over what happens in your 'empire' a sort of toggle selection when you click on OC

like buttons

Red packets - on/off
Grey packets - on/off
Green packets - on /off

(proper names of course)

This means you can do a little micromanaging if you want but its not necessary and it can also help with strategy, like if you want to build lots of blasters but not fuel them up until they are all built?

this comes from the fact where i know we have all had that problem, we have started too many buildings and are trying to balance between keeping our weapons fuelled and building as fast as we can, so if the weapons are not getting enough packets, we can switch it to refuel them all :D, I've checked and I don't think this has been thought of I think this may be a major thing that could help as an update in CW and a feature in CW2 tell me what you think :) thanks for reading :)

(17/08/2010 16:01 GMT+1)
EDIT: Right just saying that most of the following suggestions here are for CW2, i put them in relation to CW because as of yet i have not had time to read about CW2, so if there are different types of packets still in CW2 hopefully most of these shall be relevant.

(18/08/2010 15:05 GMT+1)
EDIT: Okay I am just going to write my suggestion in relation to CW2 (as i have now read everything there is on it xD) the three packet types i understand are going to be:

'Green: Construction packets
Red: Resupply packets (ammo for the weapons)
White: Deconstruction packets (for digging).' -Quote from Virgilw on his blog comments here

So my suggestion would be that on the UI when you click on OC, there are three toggle options to turn on and off which type of packets it can send out, this way you can have any combination you want. This is my basic idea suggestion, anything that follows is me just thinking up random ideas. Anyone else is welcome to contribute/edit the idea to make it better for the game :) thanks for reading
Signed...Me :)


Well you have the option of turning off grey and or red packs to attack buildings ,
and you can always delete an connection to save you from sending to other buildings .
So if you build to fast and feel that you wast OC's energy , you can replay the map to improve your score =) .
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I suppose, but I was thinking maybe a more sort of 'master control' switch would help in busy situations, maybe just my opinion :) so you have a little bit more control over what you use energy for :)

Probably unnecessary was thinking it would be helpful to some, thought of it while playing one of your maps xD

thanks for the quick reply.
Signed...Me :)


He he i see , i just gave you some hint to do this idea of yourse as the game is now ,
and there is an pause button , so you can turn on and off attack buildings as you think is best ,
"hard" maps usally need you to do so =P
And i think there already is an kind of an master control implemented to the game already ,
if you have to much deficit grey packs are sendt before red packs , so deleting an connection might help =P

What map of mine did give you this idea ?
PLZ THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU CALL YOUR TOPIC ! It will make the search work better =)
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Problem with deleting a connection is when you have so many things connecting to it xD

hmm your 'SPIFFENs Collums 13' map, you write on it not to leave it too late to build defences, so i built quite early xD, then thought that it was taking too long to build more reactors when the defences were not needed yet :), wouldn't it be good if i could tell the OC just to send out Grey packets?

Even with the deactivating, i think this is a much easier way of controlling everything at once, without giving too much control? if you have lots of attack then deactivating then reactivating takes alot of time. I'm not too familiar with this games code, but i think its an simple thing to put in as well :).

Plus if you don't want to do it, leave it as normal :)

Just thought too xD, what if map makers can restrict when certain packets are sent out? like for 1 minute in the middle of the game no grey packets so build everything before then? then you have to sit and wait if u can survive? Also can then put time limits on games, like no green packets for first 10 minutes see if you can survive this long? It would make the missions more varied and different objectives :)

what you think of the new idea? xD
Signed...Me :)


An timed thing is bad , you might lose 5 min before you finnish the map if you select that the OC dont send it in after some time =(
But selecting that OC only send grey or red packs is an nice idea =)

Like you sayd in your first post :
( OC menu : )
Red packets - on/off
Grey packets - on/off
Green packets - on /off
PLZ THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU CALL YOUR TOPIC ! It will make the search work better =)
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That would be the idea though, for the green packets, that you make it so someone cannot just complete your map quickly that they would have to survive for a certain time, like you place the transmitter things next to OC, then it wont transport for 10 minutes. Like a sort of defend the fortress type of thing, score would be more difficult to work out for that though, the longer the better xD if you could choose like transport now as an option when they are charged instead of it being automatic?

maybe I'm going too far, just brainstorming ideas :) it could be more a story idea for the green packets :), a countdown mission timer like for spore attacks? afterwards automatic ending and score based on how much creeper killed or energy used combo :) its getting a little complex, but adding more game types i think should be a way forward? :) 

Signed...Me :)


Sorry to say this but, there probably won't be any major update to Creeper World.
The next update is going to fix all the bugs.
Creeper World 2 is in the works though, you can suggest it there.


where can i post suggestions for CW2? (i thought it was here?) or i have noticed post titles CW2 suggestions, is that all? :), if so how can i change the topic title or do i have to start a new one?

thanks in advance
Signed...Me :)


I dont think it matters to much , if Wirgil has time to check the forum , i think he do look throu the suggestions =P
There is an modify button over the text window to the right , so you might be abel to change it there ,
But that mess it up , more than it does good if the thread name changes .

There is some threads called CW2 Suggestion ( link to one of them ),
so posting an link there might be an better option =)

( might be an better thread to post in , i just took the first i found )
PLZ THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU CALL YOUR TOPIC ! It will make the search work better =)
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Thanks SPIFFIN, for helping an obvious noob out xD.

I've edited the first post hopefully to emphasise that most of these can be applied to CW2, i don't want to link post in another thread yet as it seems like i just want to boost mine, i will wait for more interest (if it arrives) to come to this one :)

Just on another note, I've never really posted in forums before, how is my style and is there anything i can prove to make it clearer to readers? much thanks i hope to become a good member of this community over time xD thanks again :)
Signed...Me :)


Quote from: jasvinderm on August 17, 2010, 08:45:06 AM
Hey I was Just playing and I weird thought occurred to me, and then a suggestion :D

I was wondering if you could set OC to only send out certain packet types, like say if i'm building a defence with lots of buildings at once, but there is a sudden attack or something and i only want OC to send out the red packets of energy, and stop all building. This means I don't waste precious energy on buildings during a fight with the creeper. Then also maybe at a stage where getting the buildings complete is an important task I can set it to only distribute grey packets?

This could be used just to have more control over what happens in your 'empire' a sort of toggle selection when you click on OC

like buttons

Red packets - on/off
Grey packets - on/off
Green packets - on /off

(proper names of course)

This means you can do a little micromanaging if you want but its not necessary and it can also help with strategy, like if you want to build lots of blasters but not fuel them up until they are all built?

this comes from the fact where i know we have all had that problem, we have started too many buildings and are trying to balance between keeping our weapons fuelled and building as fast as we can, so if the weapons are not getting enough packets, we can switch it to refuel them all :D, I've checked and I don't think this has been thought of I think this may be a major thing that could help as an update in CW and a feature in CW2 tell me what you think :) thanks for reading :)

(17/09/2010 16:01 GMT+1)
EDIT: Right just saying that most of the following suggestions here are for CW2, i put them in relation to CW because as of yet i have not had time to read about CW2, so if there are different types of packets still in CW2 hopefully most of these shall be relevant.

I love this idea! You wouldn't know how often I have to manually select 10+ blasters and mortars one by one to deactivate them temporarily and reactivate them later on.

It would also solve my problem how to keep weapons firing while not requesting more energy.

In addition it solves my problem not being able to deactivate buildings being build.

Finally I love the ability to not charge the totems (yet)!

Best suggestion I've read for a long time! Virgil, please! *drool*
My CW1 maps: downloads - overview
My CW2 maps: downloads - overview


Thanks alot xD, glad at least i know some people high up in this community agree :)
Signed...Me :)



Yeah he always responds to comments on his blog, try asking or linking there.