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VPAC CPACKs download location.

:WARNING: This page is not finished.

VPAC Main - Vertu

The VPAC Main provides the essentials and basics of Play As Creeper. Each unit has been heavily refined, partially redone, and partially overhauled to maximize their quality. One such quality is being able to have Launchers hold fire, a quality I was shocked to find lacking in the normal PAC Launcher.

Units (CMODS) in this CPACK

Functionalities (Global Scripts)

Pre Gameload Global Scripts


A simple script that runs while paused to manage how much power you have. The “ERN” part and anything referring to ERNs as power is legacy as ERN power has been replaced by wireless power which can come from many sources.
This script uses the Global List to consolidate all power modifiers into a single array which is then evaluated to determine how much power the player is using and has access to. Indexes 1000 - 1008 are intended for this. 1006, 1007, 1008 are currently not being used but are still within the array in the event a new source of power modifiers are introduced in a separate CPACK.
The script is also responsible for the display which is intended to be from an ADA Message named “Display” (case sensitive) with a background image of 4. The list of units is color coded to the build tabs they reside in and the order they are within those tabs, listed from left-right, top-bottom.

  • Starting_ERNS: (Any Integer) How much power you start with.
  • Power_Suppressor_Release_Power: (Any Integer) How much power is gained from destroying a Power Suppressor.
  • Exponential_Suppressors_ENABLED: (0 or 1) A toggle for an exponential increase in gained power from destroying Power Suppressors.
  • Expon_Suppressor_Release_Factor: (Any Float) How much the destroyed quantity of Power Suppressors are raised by when Exponential_Suppressors_ENABLED is toggled on. I do not recommend changing this value from 1.2 as it means when 15 Power Suppressors are destroyed, the player will have 25 additional power. When more than 15 are destroyed, the exponential growth really kicks in. A factor of 1.2 ensures the growth is noticeable but not extreme. With this enabled, a maximum of 25 Power Suppressors should be destructible on the map. Any more and the exponential growth gets out of hand.

Power Suppressor Context: The VPAC Vertu Expansion provides units called Power Suppressors which when destroyed give additional power. The ERNManger is what causes these units to increase available power.
ERNs can also be released by Power Suppressors if you enable them to (preferably individually). This gives some depth to replaying the map for an optimized run.



PAC unit identifier

Post Gameload Global Scripts

[TO DO: CONFIRM NAME] AutoRemoveUnitsFromBuildMenu

This global script is very handy, it will remove all units from the build tab so you don't have to select every single unit in the editor under Game and disable “Can build” AFTER finishing the map and ready for finalization testing. This includes custom units but you will need to include them in the list of custom units within this script MANUALLY. It is simple to do just recreate what I, Vertu, have going on in there.
You can also see the used API here to figure out what's going on with it: SetCModPlayerMenuName

It operates by removing units from the build menu ONLY WHEN NOT LOADING THE MAP IN THE EDITOR! So you can place units to make the map with ease, never needing to remove or re-add them to the build menu. Once you load the map outside of the editor (a completely unique situation only occurring when making a map!) the units defined within the script will be removed from the build menu. Nice and simple.

Default objective

This global script is responsible for automatically creating the DESTROY RIFT LAB custom objective. Since there is only a single custom objective in CW4 this script has a on/off toggle in the event you don't want only the DESTROY RIFT LAB objective.
It will create, write, enable, make required, and completed when the Rift Lab is destroyed. No need to snoop around game settings in the editor.



cw4/cpack/docs/f3d1b56c-fb68-49a9-909e-54931da7635d.1662574377.txt.gz · Last modified: 2025/02/14 14:56 (external edit)