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Friendly Units


Command Node

The Command Node, aka CN, is the center of your network. It uses energy to create packets and ore to make anti-creeper. It is the only unit that can fulfill these tasks. It is possible to have up to 3 Command Nodes in a single game, depending on the mission's parameters. By default, a CN produces 1.5 energy and can connect to any structure within less than 16 squares from it (which mans that it will connect to a unit with its center 15 squares in a straight line and 3 squares from this axis). Upon destruction, it will return to orbit as if it was recalled by the player. Upon returning to orbit, all of the AC in the Command Node will drop from orbit to random locations around the map, creating an AC rain effect. The CN is 9×9 squares large and can be centered on a power zone to receive a bonus. They can't connect to items on the map, so to pick them up, use a collector or relay.

More detailed info can be found here.

Artifacts of Odin

This are powerful one-time use abilities which ca sometimes be found on map and collected. To collect an AoO (Artifact of Odin) simply connect it to your network and send 25 packets. There are 3 types of AoO.


Freezes all in a target area, lasts 45 sec.


Destroys all Creeper/AC in a target area, including player units, doesn't destroy enemy structures. Changes terrain to leave a crater.


Converts all Creeper in target area to Anti-creeper. Similar to Conversion bomb form CW2.


Structures are mostly your economy buildings, their main difference from weapons is that they don't damage the creeper in any way. Some of them can greatly increase your offensive power. All structures except ore mines which have to be placed on ore deposits can be placed on Powers zones to receive bonuses. More exact information about the structures can be found here.


Cost 5
Connection Range 10
Energy production 0.2 max

The Collector is the first thing you will want to begin to build, it gathers energy and also makes the network. Every collector has a green collection area shown around it. The total energy collected depends on that area so you want to build your collectors so that there is minimal overlap. The collectors can also connect to any unit nearby so they are needed to expand your network. Collectors are cheap and will form the backbone of your network especially in the beginning of any map.

Power Zone Effect: Increased collection radius.


Cost 10
Connection range 10/19 to other relays and x2 speed
Energy production 0

Relays are very useful in network building as they offer a longer connection range and they conduct packets at double speed which is really important when maintaining a large network. During an assault they are much better than collectors.

Power Zone Effect: Can connect to other relays from much farther away.


Cost 50
Connection range 0
Energy production 0.4

Reactors provide energy and don't require a collection area so they can be build close to each other and produce a lot of energy. They cost quite a lot so it's advised to build some collectors first then start building reactors a few at a time.

Power Zone Effect: Massive power boost.

Ore Mine

Ore Mine
Cost 25
Connection range 0
Ore production 0.9

You can build the ore mines on ore deposits, ore is required to produce anti-creeper. Be careful not to schedule too many ore mines at the very beginning of a mission as that can eat up your energy needed elsewhere.


Cost 5
Connection range 0
Ore production 0

The Siphon allows you to gather energy, ore or aether(requires also forge) from crystals that are laying scattered all around the maps. It's advisable to build them as soon as possible when given access to a resource especially energy.


Cost 5
Ammo Capacity 30
Range 10
Health ?
Ammo Usage 0.1/2 frames

The Shield shields you from Creeper and Spore attacks, it also is a good friend when you are trying to take out a emitter with your little friend the Nullifier. It generates a field that pushes back the Creeper but too much of it will overwhelm and destroy the shield.

Power Zone Effect: Increased range and stronger repulsion effect.


Cost 60
Ammo Capacity 30
Range 18
Health ? very low
Ammo Usage 2/square*level
Firing Speed 30 frames/square*level

The Terp (Oirgin TerraPod) lets you rise or lower the terrain for tactical attacks or defenses.

Power Zone Effect: Increased range, terraforming is faster and cheaper.

Landing Pads

The Landing Pads are for the flying units, they have different letters/symbols and colors to show what function the flying unit it belongs to behold.

Strafer - Bomber - Packet Guppy - Ore Guppy


Cost 25
Ammo Capacity 120
Connection Range 10
Health ?

The Guppy lets you gather or transport energy or ore to placed that are not necessary connected to the network. It changes color when you switch between packet or ore transport. Be careful with sending too many packet guppies at once as once they take off the landing pad starts charging another 120 packets. Ore guppies have to be build connected to the mine and then they should transport the ore to the CN. AC carrying guppies have been added to the game. AC guppies work in a similar fashion to the packet guppies.

Power Zone Effect: Doubled cargo capacity, faster flight speed.



The Cannon
Cost 25
Ammo Capacity 10
Range 9
Health ?
Ammo Usage 0.2/ shot
Firing Speed 1/8 frames
Damage 8

The Cannon aka PC (Origin Pulse Cannon) is your standard defense/attack weapon, fast fire rate, but pretty weak. It has 3 targeting priority options: Creeper(Default), Digitalis and Runners. It's highly advisable to change the default targeting priority on maps with digitalis as by default the PC will ignore digitalis as long as it has Creeper in range, often causing many problems during assaults.

More detailed information along with upgrade effects can be found on the unit data overview page.

Power Zone Effect: Increased range and extremely fast firing speed.


The Mortar is your second standard defense/attack weapon, slow fire rate, but deals great damage to dense Creeper. The Mortar can also shoot over walls making it a great weapon to use in conjunction with the TERP.

Power Zone Effect: Increased range and rapid firing.


The Strafer is your fast attack fighter with a machine gun.

Power Zone Effect: Increased flight speed and gains dual-machine guns.


The Bomber carries Anti Creeper aka AC bombs. Fun!

  1. You have scheduled a new bomber to builld and want it to auto launch and repeat its runs. You check 'auto' and set a target and you mean for that to only happen once it is built and there is a full load, else it will take off once the first packet arrives. During the building process you may decide to retarget it, but you don't want that to prematurely cause it to launch.
  2. You could care less about auto and want to manually call in runs. In that case, you uncheck auto while the bomber is building and set a target. The bomber should build and load and auto launch once it has a _full_ load.
  3. You have a built bomber and you want it to launch right now and go where you say without waiting on a full load. In this case you uncheck auto, and click to launch the bomber.
  4. You have a built bomber and want to set it to auto so you can forget about it. In this case you check auto, select a target, and forget. The bomber always ways for a full load before launching.

All of these cases are working except part of #2. Right now if you uncheck auto and select a target before the bomber is finished building it won't take off once it has a full load. You can still launch it at any point by selecting its target after it is built, though.

Power Zone Effect: Doubled cargo capacity, faster flight speed, drops two bombs at once.


The Sprayer lets you spray down an area within range with Anti Creeper aka AC.

Power Zone Effect: Increased range and firing speed.


The Beam fires a laser at spores, destroying them. It can also ht CRPL cores that have been set to be targeted by Beams.

Power Zone Effect: Vastly increased range and destroys spores near-instantly.


The Sniper has long range and does heavy damage to Runners and to CRPL cores that have been set to be targeted by Snipers.

Power Zone Effect: Increased range and firing speed.


The Nullifier takes out Emitters and CRPL Towers.

Power Zone Effect: Increased range and faster charge.


Big Bertha

The Big Bertha has a very long range and a powerful punch!

Power Zone Effect: Shoots three projectiles instead of one, spread out at landing into a triangle. Firing only takes half a charge (75 ammo instead of 150).


The Forge processes Aether packets from connected Totems on the map into resources that may be used either to upgrade weapons or other units, or to create a Singularity Field that exerts a strong gravitational pull on both forms of Creeper, compressing it to ultimate densities where Creeper Conversion may destroy vast quantities of it should densities exceed conversion density (2,184 million density).

Cost and effect of Aether upgrades

Item Cost Maximum # upgrades Effect
Build Cost
Packet Speed
Energy Efficiency

Anti Creeper Rain

The Anti Creeper Rain aka AC Rain shower the whole map with Anti Creeper. This is a special effect that has not much practical application, but is spectacular. When a Command Node is returned to orbit, all stored Anti-Creeper is released from orbital height causing the effect.



The Totem gives the Forge Aether…

Power Zone

The Power Zone aka PZ lets you add abilities to the unit placed on top of it..

CRPL Cores

These are custom units, created by map makers. THey have a wide range of capabilities in moving, creating creeper, spopes, digitalis, runners and even other units.

The CRPL can be both friend or foe…. (Read more on the CRPL pages)

cw3/units/friendly.1467621969.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/07/04 04:46 by builder17