Can still select LOCKED units.

Started by BoostBreed75, August 20, 2011, 02:52:53 AM

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By using the associated number key on custom maps locked units can still be accessed. First noticed on collidarium.


I can't recreate this. can you post a saved map?
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Give me a minute and I will post a picture. Wait well I tried and now cannot get it to work must have been a one time thing. And the Phantom Coil and tech dome are locked see in the pic the lock over the tech dome space but I have built tech domes.


Where's a lock over the tech dome space? The tabs are not even part of this screenshot (use Alt-PrntScrn to copy and paste into a paint program to be able to save the tabs as well).
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Collidarium does have locked units. See the screenshot. What I cannot do (and the OP also now cannot do) is to select a locked unit for building by pressing number key shortcuts.
A goodnight to all and to all a good night - Goodnight Moon


Quote from: thepenguin on August 20, 2011, 07:54:16 AM
locked units?, I didn't put any locked units on that map

Heheh! I guess Grauniad knows your map better than yourself.... :P

Quote from: BoostBreed75 on August 21, 2011, 02:33:47 AM
Give me a minute and I will post a picture. Wait well I tried and now cannot get it to work must have been a one time thing. And the Phantom Coil and tech dome are locked see in the pic the lock over the tech dome space but I have built tech domes.

A saved game would be very helpful, because this is a very serious issue!
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I wouldn't call those locked units, but locked techs. Given what locked units are in CW1, the equivalent term in CW2 is "marooned."


Quote from: mthw2vc on August 21, 2011, 10:55:21 AM
I wouldn't call those locked units, but locked techs. Given what locked units are in CW1, the equivalent term in CW2 is "marooned."

You're right. The problem with 'techs' however is that the 'upgrade' button is labelled 'Techs'. Rather confusing....
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We have become the creeper...


Quote from: UpperKEES on August 21, 2011, 11:07:29 AM
You're right. The problem with 'techs' however is that the 'upgrade' button is labelled 'Techs'. Rather confusing....
I usually call those 'upgrades,' again borrowing from CW1 lore... :P


I will upload that save later if it still matters. I also cannot reproduce the issue. Though I still have tech domes and as Grauniad clearly pointed out that map does have a "marooned" tech dome. Must have been a one time thing. As at the time I was also able to select the phantom coil though did not build any as there is no need.


The only marooned unit in your screenshot is an unbuilt nullifier... Marooning is the CW2 equivalent of locking a unit; a marooned unit is one that your packets can't get to. This again goes into use of terms in ways unclear to others. Clear communication tends to lead into fewer offtopic posts and more informative replies.

You have managed to build tech domes despite their normally being unavailable in that map (as evidenced by your screenshot) by using the keyboard shortcuts, but have not yet successfully reproduced it. We can agree on this much, right?


Quote from: BoostBreed75 on August 23, 2011, 01:39:17 PM
I will upload that save later if it still matters.

I don't understand why you don't want to supply that saved game.... Virgil would be able to have a look at it.
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I apologize yes we can agree on that much and I will as soon as I have more than 30 second periods to check this lol. College just started.