map dificulty

Started by betadata, February 01, 2010, 07:50:51 AM

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This rating by the map maker is very subjective. What they consider one rating differs from what another may think it is. Maybe if we had a time frame that the map creator has finished the map in would be a better way to classify them. This will do a few things It will allow the player to know just how long he is getting in for. Two it should help make sure the creator actually played and finished the map. This seems to be needed due to the amount of maps the have errors that prevent the map from being completed.


time needed for a map =/= difficulty.  There are maps which only take 5 minutes where you will die if you do a single mistake, which I would label with a higher difficulty than say a 30-minute map where dieing is almost impossible.


Map ratings by maker isnt good info ,
There will always be someone who does the map way better/faster than the maker .
And whos best for finnishing that map can change ,
so the difficulty should be auto change by plays and the time they finnished it .
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agreed. I am not the best player, but I like to think I am an ok map builder. I ussually test my maps and if I think they're okay, i'll post them!


Like Siccles says, time to finish a map does not equal the difficulty. Number of attempts until successful would be a better measure, but failures will never (and can't) be submitted. So votes by players would be the only way to do it differently.
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Capn Trey

Maybe there can be two sets of rating for each map.

Stars for Quality and Skulls for Difficulty.

Then you can see the average difficulty as rated by other players.


Yes, something like that might work. It would also prevent people from giving 1 star just because they were not able to finish the map.
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Capn Trey

Ideally I'd like people to only be able to vote on a map when the graph screen comes up.

Then it could record the scores of people who won and people who lost Odin city


well recording the people who "lost" odin city is kinda pointless, since 90% will just quit once they realise theyve lost and not wait till its over.


Indeed. I always click 'Exit Game' before Odin City gets destroyed. I don't want to see the last 50.000 humans getting killed because of me. ;)

No, actually I want to restart as quickly as possible. That's why a 'Restart Map' button would be nice, so I don't have to pick the map from the list or the mission screen again.
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you must make the rating of the map more fair cause 1 user can make a map 5/5
go Dutch
go Netherlands
Holland ftw!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


If the maps get an auto diff. from scores and nr. of plays ,
i think the maps should get an more correct of diff.

Then the vote will be if you liked the map or not ,
and players can only vote after they finnish the map .
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if more players would vote and comment then the one 5 of 5 rating would be diluted with fair votes.


Yeah, besides that, every author will give his/her own map 5/5. Nothing wrong with that, as he/she probably built it to his/her own preferences. For every map maker: did you ever give your own map less than 5 stars? If so, you're the most modest person I've ever met!

I don't know how it is working at the moment, but I guess you can only vote once per IP-address, or maybe a cookie is stored on your machine. This allows people to vote more often from different machines. You might try to solve this by requiring an account, but then people will use more accounts to vote more often. Some issues just can't be solved completely, but I think this kind of behaviour will be noticeable, especially to the system administrator.
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Oh , i have never voted for my own maps =P
Very few maps i have voted for , guess i should be better to do so =)
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