Custom Map #10086: 053-BF2. By: AlexX

Started by AutoPost, June 07, 2022, 05:21:31 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #10086: 053-BF2

Author: AlexX
Size: 255x255

...not that easy


That was a great battle. The start is a really tough, I think I restarted about 10 times until I found somthing that works. The challenge with a turtle start is  establishing a base small enough to defend but big enough not to hamper growth. 


Pat yourself on the back  :D ... I like the map too... I made it a while ago. but could never complete it. so I had to make the map a lot simpler...
edit: lost in translation: pat myself on the back
aka: AlexX


Thank you for butchering my eyes

My eyes can't handle light at all

That's why most of my maps have dark terrain

And then you make this mess of bright colors

Thanks again
Waiting for Something to Happen ?


aka: AlexX

Loren Pechtel


I love Loren's posts.
:D ;D
Either the gameplay is too trivial or... no offense... but funny.
it is also a difficult map for me. I needed a lot more attempts than D0m0nik. much more! but D is incredibly good out of competition
aka: AlexX


Yeah this start is so tricky I could show a screen shot of my base one stable and most players still would not be able to recreate it. Not boasting, it took a lot of work!


Quote from: rennervate on June 07, 2022, 11:17:16 AM
simple solution: turn off the monitor

I tried closing my eyes instead, but that didn't work out so well.

Big D - are you Terping a wall to hold back the Creep or raising the elevation of your base?
Or something else?



Here you go H, hope it helps.

One little tip, I made sure my wall was not connected to any bits that spread out as they tend to bring in creep, look at the north west corner. I terped a small area down to 1 on the other side of the wall and it really helped.


OK, thank you.
The good news is that what I tried is almost exactly that.
The bad news is that you're right, even with a road map it is mighty tough to survive.
Not giving up though. I beat the other version of this with a Mortar launch at the very last nano-second.

Onward we march.

Loren Pechtel

Quote from: Helper on June 08, 2022, 08:40:04 AM
OK, thank you.
The good news is that what I tried is almost exactly that.
The bad news is that you're right, even with a road map it is mighty tough to survive.
Not giving up though. I beat the other version of this with a Mortar launch at the very last nano-second.

Onward we march.

Yeah, I tried the wall approach, didn't succeed.  The maps with the very tough starts generally get me, most anything else isn't that hard.