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CW2 Suggestion

Started by cquante, July 15, 2010, 07:06:50 PM

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I hope I can convince you to make this part of CW2.  Right now you have to micro-manage the drones when you use them.  It would be great if you could set their target, and they would bomb, reload, and bomb again and again, until you change the target for the drone.  I know I would find the drones much more useful this way.




I came here thinking "oh, he wants to be able to move the drones taget location", but that i would say is somethat lazy :P but yeah, it would be better
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hmm the reason they hit lots of spots is if they hit one spot it would cost more fuel to turn. In turn making the drone slighly less effective

The Creep Destroyer

I think he means setting a target for Them to bomb at like normal, return to base then when refilled automaticly go rebomb the same spot. Well this would be nice, if we know what eles CW2 will have micro management wise.
Starcraft 2... where the creeper dies to nukes.
I use lightmage to record my scores.


I asked for drones to come back, and maybe be kamikaze. :D


If drones do come back and they closely resemble what they do now (which I don't think they will since CW2 is now underground) I would like to be able to assign a certain single drone or group of drones to a hotkey. Where once I assign the key all I have to do is press the key and I can target the drones to a certain area. This would make assigning targets much faster since you wouldn't have to select a drone then select a target then select the next drone. You would just press your hotkey then assign the attack location. I'm not sure how this would work since the number keys are all assigned to structures. It's just a thought.

The diagrams below are just a representation of a group of drones placed side by side then assigned to a hotkey.

Pressing CTRL + A ???
Group A

Pressing CTRL + B ???

I just noticed this was posted here but received not comments. So I guess I can bring it back up?


Quote from: Pyxis_GeeK on August 13, 2010, 12:58:18 PM
I just noticed this was posted here but received not comments. So I guess I can bring it back up?

Here is fine I guess.

You know what I would like regarding drones? (Definitely not sending them to the same spot, because that's a waste of energy.)

I would like to be able to send them when just charged for i.e. 50% (so it only drops 7-8 bombs)!
My CW1 maps: downloads - overview
My CW2 maps: downloads - overview


Yeah that is a good idea to. I guess I kind of sounded like I wanted to send them to same spot. I guess I just wanted an easier way to select them. Not that clicking on one then another spot on the screen to send them is very hard. I guess there isn't much difference in a key stroke or mouse click.

I read somewhere on here that drones should be switchable from manual to automatic. Select the area once then the drone keeps attacking the same place. Maybe that should be added to and when the drone is in auto mode it will scan the area it hit last and move out searching for the densest creeper then attack that spot. I don't know it's easy to come up with ideas. Since I don't know how to code games or what works behind the scenes it's hard to suggest a good idea without the knowledge of how the game works. I know some things have been explained but it's hard for me to grasp some of it.

I know it's mostly on Virgil so I don't want to overburden him. I know he is busy enough as it is.

I can still dream though right?


90% of game development is daydreaming.  The remaining 10% takes most of the time, though.  I'll let you think about that one for a while.... :)

True, drones can't really be drones in CW2 since there is no real air space to fly around in.  In CW1 I specifically wanted a "manually" targeted weapon.  This was part of my game design and was meant to represent some small bit of micro management (which some people like).  Forgetting to use a drone can add a little bit of "ah, dang it!" to the game and make you want to play again and play better.  This isn't true for everyone, but it is true for some.

It is certainly a fine line, as too much micro management can kill a game.  But drones didn't seem to cross that line.

So, I had considered adding something else to CW2.  Maybe a bit more powerful, maybe a bit more expensive, but you would still have to shoot it manually.... of course you would really want to do this since it would fire one single and expensive creeper conversion missile...


Hey Virgil this is my first time responding to you directly since I'm such a newb. Anyway that makes since about the Drones. It also makes since about the conversion missile. I read about that just didn't realize that it took the place of drones. Like I said earlier it's hard for a drone to be underground.

I do understand about the dreaming. Most games begin with "Wouldn't it be cool if there was a game that let you do........"
Then some guy goes and codes it and a game is born.

Thanks for making a great game. It's what I do during my lunch hour is play CW, thats when I first found it a few weeks ago. Anyway keep up the great work and I look forward to CW2.