Custom Map #872: FPS: Whole Wide World. By: qople

Started by AutoPost, February 25, 2021, 03:17:42 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #872: FPS: Whole Wide World

Author: qople
Size: 200x200


1. "Custom1" is a keybind slot in the game. You have to assign it in controls settings, at the bottom of the list.
2. There is currently an issue when entering first person from top-down view. To fix it, press the top down key again.

A quick overview of some larger changes to the script are:
-High FPS is now fully supported
-Added a wiki, accessible through the in-game help system or at this page
    -The wiki has basic info for newer players, and documentation for mapmakers
-Addressed the issues raised in the forums for the last map (arrow key support, tweaked mortar targeting)
-Added modding support to let people with some knowledge of 4rpl to make custom effects and weapons as easily as possible (detailed on the wiki documentation page)
-Visibility option: You can press Custom2 to show an outline on special terrain like breeder. It starts out in a less detailed mode that is easier on performance and memory, but holding the button for a few seconds will toggle a more detailed mode if desired.
-Lots of small tweaks to many parts of the script.


Screen says "Press Custom 1 to enter first person mode". I have no clue what 'Custom 1' is.  Pressing Shift-f doesn't seem to have the intended effect.  I can' get started; I can only fly around. Any suggestions?


Quote from: Mique on February 25, 2021, 03:40:35 PM
Screen says "Press Custom 1 to enter first person mode". I have no clue what 'Custom 1' is.  Pressing Shift-f doesn't seem to have the intended effect.  I can' get started; I can only fly around. Any suggestions?
The Custom0-Custom9 keys are specific keybind slots added for rebindable keys. The gamemode uses a few of them (detailed on the wiki). Go into "controls" in game settings, and scroll all the way to the bottom to add a binding to them.


Remember to bind Custom1 to a key in Options -> Controls


Only problem I have with these maps are the fov. is very low.



All you other maps worked fine.

This one I start stuck either inside of below the terrain.
Not sure why. I tried rebinding Custom1 to mouse button 4 and still same issue.
I can sorta look around but it's clipping into the terrain badly and I can still fire but not much happens.

I've button smashed with no success.
I'll keep fiddling with settings but like I said your other maps were quite fun and worked just fine.

I mashed the TOP VIEW and AUTO CAM buttons back and forth a few times and it now seems OK. not sure which combo of buttons/settings it was.


If the problem is what I think it is, that's a bug with entering first person from the top down view. It's a result of the switch from free view to a fully script-controlled camera, and a problem with the game handling that. I've submitted a bug report, so it'll probably be fixed in the next update.
Until then, pressing f9 again if this happens should fix it. Exiting top-town mode before entering first person mode should prevent it.


Thank you Qople!!! I have gotten so much entertainment from the FPS series. Keep up the good work!


You have outdone yourself. I have loved all your previous fps, but this one is the best. 


Totally agree, this was great fun, loved it, can't wait for more. Appreciate all the effort


Wow! This one felt a little like DOOM!  8) 8) 8)