Favorite Map Creator (NOT YOURSELF)

Started by usofat25, May 28, 2010, 08:50:42 PM

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Who is your favorite map creator? I've seen the discussion asking what is your favorite map, but I find that sort of limited in scope. My favorite map is not made by my favorite creator, and that's because my favorite map is sort of an anomaly of goodness from the producer, where as I find someone else's maps to be more consistently fun.

My favorite creator is Sqaz


"Don't Ever Tell Me The Odds" -Han Solo-


Hmm.... That's a tough choice. When I want a map to burn time, I go to SPIFFEN, though.


Indeed a tough choice, especially because I still haven't been able to play all maps that caught my interest. I can only list my top 10 (in random order). Of some authors I have played most maps, of some none at all (but I just know from the comments in combination with the number of scores that they must be good). Here I go:

- KettleFalls
- Mrmcdeath
- Xylnalya
- Apocalypstic
- sqaz
- Usofat25
- Vexsin
- ItsFunToLose
- Sauffaus
- Bort

Quite a lot of these authors have left the CW arena already, but that doesn't make their maps worth less. That's also why I'm happy to see Usofat here again. :) When I've played all maps on my to-do list I might make a final choice, but that will probably take a few more months....


- F0R (especially his terrain maps)
- Fisherck (especially his harder maps)
My CW1 maps: downloads - overview
My CW2 maps: downloads - overview


Flattered to be on the list. I do try my best, however, I concede there are some failures in there, Run Some Reds and Hemispheres are probably the worst culprits.

I never really left, it's just Carnegie Mellon doesn't really afford it's students much time for recreation during the school year. I played what I could. Now that it's the summer, and my Internship is only a 25-30 hour/week gig, plenty of time to watch baseball and play CW  ;D
"Don't Ever Tell Me The Odds" -Han Solo-



Nuf said.

Okay no thats not.
He is my favorite because he posts alot of maps fast, and they don't suck. (Much.)

(Just kidding about the much part.  :D)


Hmm, I think I'll choose UpperKEES, he might not post as frequent as Spiffen but almost all his maps are pieces of art with a very good gameplay.

But I might forget some map makers here as I haven't got very much time to play maps and I have only played less than a tenth of all maps around here.


I'd probably have to say Apocalypstic, (I think I got that right lol) because back when I just joined, he would be the one that made the maps everybody wanted to play. And I haven't even beaten them all yet.... :P As for me not getting on, I have been busy with track and my new hobbies... paintball and warhammer to be on lately. But expect me to be on more and more as the summer is here for a while.
Life Lesson #1
When life gives you lemons make lemonade.
Life Lesson #2
Unless life also gives you sugar and a cup, your lemonades gonna suck.



Too hard to choose only 1 , because it depends on different things .
How it looks , how it is to play , new idea , new things to learn and so on .

But here is some players that should be on the list :

All map makers can give inspiration to others to make better maps ,
so the list should be very long  ;D
PLZ THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU CALL YOUR TOPIC ! It will make the search work better =)
My maps : http://knucklecracker.com/creeperworld/viewmaps.php?author=SPIFFEN
How to make links


I don't download much maps but I have the most maps downloaded from REAVER 2010 (RIDGE TO RIDGE and RIDGE TO RIDGE 2). The best I have downloaded comes from Apocalypstic. (one map downloaded)



Unfortunately I often miss who the creator of a map is...

Spiffen is different because his name's always on the map title, so I'll say him, as his maps are usually good ones  :)


If you don't know the creator of  map use search and you find the creator.


I think he knows how to find it, he just doesn't pay too much attention (maybe in his excitement of the game).

I only do when I really liked a map, so I search for more by the same author.
My CW1 maps: downloads - overview
My CW2 maps: downloads - overview


Quote from: UpperKEES on June 03, 2010, 02:35:31 PM
I think he knows how to find it, he just doesn't pay too much attention (maybe in his excitement of the game).

I only do when I really liked a map, so I search for more by the same author.

Aye, pretty much the same - download about ten at a time, then search if a map was especially good or part of a fun-looking series.


SPIFFEN  for sure.  I've tried to play all of them. UpperKee's as well.