Custom Map #1717: Split Yten. By: Pastor.Healer

Started by AutoPost, February 07, 2015, 05:20:29 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #1717: Split Yten

Author: Pastor.Healer
Size: 179x97

Here's one for a quick break :)


Ok RrR..  did you take a dinner break and forget to pause the game?   :(


I thought you might have given us AC bugs. Alas no.


That will keep you jumping from the git-go.
I got way too wrapped up in the attack and kept getting caught short on defense.
Will definitely give it another run - this time using the 'save' function!
A fun time - thanks!


Aha... you expected one thing and got another. 

Creeper World strikes again!  :)

Blessings RrR and Helper!


Now started at least 20 times. I got a hold in the island top right, but from there I think you cannot get any further.
Tried left side top - got a stable hold - that I can hold forever, but no chance to get any further.

I think you need to get started bottom left, but there either the creeper overwelmed me or the sopres killed me. Do I have to try that often enough that one time the spores go in a different direction? Or am I missing something?


Top left worked for me.

Start with all three CN's and you'll probably lose the bottom one.
Build a couple of Beams before anything else, then find a place for a Nullifier that will take out at least 3 targets.
I'll hold off on any other advice until PH weighs in.


I landed two CN on the top right island, and the third by the top right spore tower. Managed to take out the spore tower and the emitter on the island and then secured the island after about three attempts. Getting off the island was difficult and slow without airpower. I used a bertha and a terp to make a safe space by the volcanoes. Once that bridgehead was established and a few of the volcanoes were nullified, it was a cake walk. It just took a long time because the bugs kept exploding and drenching my nullifier platform with creeper.

This was not the optimal strategy.


Quote from: Helper on February 08, 2015, 01:39:17 PM
Top left worked for me.

I'll hold off on any other advice until PH weighs in.

That's where I got as well, but then there are runners very close that limit building space - and create tons of creeper if you start killing then....


Quote from: EEderle on February 08, 2015, 02:36:47 PM
That's where I got as well, but then there are runners very close that limit building space - and create tons of creeper if you start killing then....

There are no Runners after that first Nullifier is used.
There is tons of space to build anything you want, plus (at least) 3xPZ's.
I'll post a starting pic if PH gives the OK.

Starting as I described meant a finishing time of just under 21:00.
The technique works.


Much Much Much easier starting on the left. Should be able to build fast enough to stop runners ever getting into the left-most area.



EEderle, I am thrilled that you are trying to get through this map!  Nice going....

Yes, to get started, build out three CN's on the top left.  Establish a canon early on where the runners want
to take you over.  Then start taking out the volcanoes from the top down.  You can use the exploded volcanoes
to take out one by one to the south.  Add power and make sure you set a beam on one of the volcanoes
to take care of the spores. 

I'll be looking for your score. 

Helper, you nailed it!  I built Bertha's after getting a stronghold and went to town across the map to take the

I still think RrR was sleep walking... :)

Blessings to all of you



[Edit] - that doesn't look like an "F12" screen capture to me. I must have hit F11.