Custom Map: Good vs Evil

Started by AutoPost, June 05, 2010, 03:18:22 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map: Good vs Evil

Author: Germanboy

WARNING: This one map is a special map because, im not sure you can beat it. I tryed it more times but i cant finish this map. This map is for really good experts. Can someone beat it? we will find it out...

[Reviewer hasn't tried either, so play at your own risk - Ed.]


Please don't submit any more maps you can't post a score for.  Thanks


I've let this map through as an experiment to see what people think about a map that the author can't beat himself. I'm not very enthusiastic about it myself (and won't even try it), but because the author stated it in the description I thought this would be a nice way to find out if players like to play maps without a score submitted.
My CW1 maps: downloads - overview
My CW2 maps: downloads - overview



The map could be posted in the forum ,
if it needed to be tested by better players .

Just use the Additional Options... link to add the map to your post .
PLZ THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU CALL YOUR TOPIC ! It will make the search work better =)
My maps :
How to make links


Had a try, but didn't have enough centrally-positioned SAMs for the 30-spore wave, and two got through which pretty much destroyed my infrastructure.

I do think it's possible though, as I died I was planning on using blasters across the bottom of the map then working up... just the spores could fall wrong and ruin it.  I've made a re-coloured version to have a play on, because the blackness was irritating me, shall try again and see what happens.


when you really can finish this map, you really an expert  ;)

snowmaker (JM)

Took a couple of tries to get the right amount of SAM's, plus I had two mortars and one blaster. The start is the only hard part  :P

Edit:  I tried this map again after many months and it was pretty easy  ;)

Sams are not the answer