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Rated 2.78/5 (55 Votes)
Title: Good vs Evil
Difficulty: Expert Only
Author: Germanboy
Post Date: June 5, 2010 3:18 pm
Downloads: 410
WARNING: This one map is a special map because, im not sure you can beat it. I tryed it more times but i cant finish this map. This map is for really good experts. Can someone beat it? we will find it out...

[Reviewer hasn't tried either, so play at your own risk - Ed.]

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RankPlayerScoreTimeTotal Missions
1BigC854310 min 13 sec1
2pel803414 min 40 sec1
3Bunty748420 min 10 sec1
4SwampChasis736821 min 25 sec1
5snowmaker (JM)730722 min 6 sec2
6redyco715823 min 49 sec1
7Saca679428 min 18 sec1
8burguertime662830 min 31 sec1
9Lambo657931 min 11 sec1
10AnonymEus637334 min 8 sec1
11DDUNG631235 min 3 sec1
12fiel610738 min 14 sec1
13hehehe559347 min 16 sec1
14JM553248 min 27 sec1
15pusmoh497260 min 40 sec1
16Rob da Rob488862 min 44 sec1
17Guardian413385 min 10 sec1
18Goon Squad404988 min 11 sec1
19Mandy386795 min 9 sec1
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