Custom Map: Fallen Memories...

Started by AutoPost, April 21, 2010, 04:26:40 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map: Fallen Memories...

Author: Grabarz

This is my second map, this one is a lot harder than the previous one.


I don't think it can be done. Prove me wrong.


I tried and I failed (in succeeding and proving ;)). I used 10 drones, 6 mortars, 30-40 speed nodes and plenty of energy. I moved the city close and was ready to build the final relay after 7 minutes, but a 20 intensity emitter can't be capped by 1 blaster. I tried blasters at all available positions simultaneously and even to just build a collector instead of a relay while bridging it with a blaster.

Have your tested it? Please upload a score yourself.
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I hit it with 20 drones, 7 mortars and could never finish.

Very poor map.


Okay, I failed in this one :(
I'll try to do everything good next time. Sorry for you and your time.


Please test your maps in advance and even better: submit a score before approval. Your can read here how to do this.
My CW1 maps: downloads - overview
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I wonder who could have rated a map that cannot be beat at more than one star?


The author of course ;D

And people please test your maps atleast once.


I did it!!  ;D
It takes an insane amount of energy, mortars and drones but I just succeeded. One thing I think helped was sticking blasters on top of the nearby emitters and on the other low ledge next to the totems. Otherwise, it was just one massive attack! I used...

31 drones
25 actively firing mortars
3 blasters


Heheh, nice job! My respect for that!
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