Creeper World 4 V2
Creeper World 4… now with experimental co-op multiplayer!

Creeper World 4 Trailer
If things go as planned, Dec 3, 2020 is the date CW4 will release! Here’s the launch trailer.

CW4 Demo Update
The #CW4 demo has been updated on Steam and includes a new mission! Creeper World 4 Demo (PreBeta 10.2) changes: A new mission: Shaka Walls New unit models MiniMap with alerting Ambient occlusion visual enhancement (can turn off in settings) Additional visibility options Cannon targeting tweaks 8 Steam achievements Minor balancing Updated engine

Daily check list: Get up Brush teeth Get dressed Comb hair Liberate a world from the Creeper menace

Make and Play
Why make one video when you can make two with twice the effort? That’s the question I pondered….