Custom character names and images
Shield Keys. (Inter-map pickup)
Map Editor grid, ruler.
Import PNG to create map. PNG image automatically converted by game into terrain for easier map creation.
“Flattened”/“Vertical” view for easy terrain editing.
Visible connection between unit(s) and the relevant spawner. (Probably on mouseover or selection)
Unit waypoint movement (May already exist)
Distinct edit mode. This will save on the accidental commands which the PF panel-on-map arrangement is prone to. Trying to type something with a P in it is an egregious case. Also, perhaps, tabbing through inputs?
Possible mechanic: Fog of war. Maybe LOS based, maybe with “Light level” and “Fog level”-s modifiable with scripting.
In-game rendering for custom 3D units
Simultaneous landing option: Once everything has flown to the correct spot, then everything lands at once. Not sure how to do
UI, and 3D terrain would affect this too. (I love this idea-stdout)
Additional Game Modes :
Endurance Mode - Increasing creeper spawn rate with time, survive as long as possible.
Earthquake/Meteor Storm mode.
PaC and Sleeper are probably coming.
No-rebuild mode? Possibly intermixed with normal units.
All emitters/nests/spore towers should have much more details on mouseover, perhaps in a popup box like the ships in the left-hand build menu of PF. Show ANY information, including delays until initial emission, runner health/speed/max amount, spore building, spore power/health, etc.
If game has spores, allow spore health. Very strong or very weak spores.
Different terrain brushes. Square, circle, diamond, scatter, others?
Smooth terrain tool
Change cliff side texture
Naval units????
Stun creeper momentum weapon
things to take advantage of the more-3Dness, eg. Tunnels?
zero-sum terping?
Buried artifacts
If using PFE style conversations, a way to copy/paste/export an entire conversation.
copy/paste/export unit formations, terrain structures.
Different “thickness” of creeper. Allow emitters to have a setting to indicate a scale of 1 to 100 for viscosity of the emitted creeper. 1 is fast like water, 100 is as thick as molasses.
Sorro: I'm assuming you mean possible settings - 1 setting for all creeper map wide. Having different pools of different viscosity on a single map would be cool too, but that would increase complexity, no?
GM: If you allow mixing, it might not be so bad. But I'm not the one trying to write code.
Creeper rain. Would be caused if too much creeper get evaporated by weapons or if creeper is too thin. Air units would also take damage if flying into a “Creeper storm”. There would also be a setting in the map editor to enable/disable this.
Weather station, atmosphere setting. Or just GetTotalDestroyedCreeper.
Sorro: If we're going to go with weather - water spouts that pull creepr up and rain it back down
From an old CW3 suggestion: Tech points for unit unlocking.
C&C style tech tree: Need a CN to get a Collector, a Collector to get a Relay/Reactor, and so on.
Variable counts for unlocking, 10 collectors unlocks Relay building, or one more Relay per three Collectors.
Or, push it off to scripting-land, with functions to g/set the number of X built, alive, destroyed, deleted, building.
Possible Enemies:
Unit that shoots creeper a-la plasma bugs (Starship Troopers)
Thumper enemy. If there is any creeper near the thumper when it thumps, then the creeper will move away from the thumper as a wave.
Phantoms from CW2. Goes through terrain. A good enemy for underground maps (If that ever becomes a thing)
stdout: cool end-game CW1 style graphs showing creeper generation, energy usage, etc.
stdout: Game saves all actions player takes, allows to save and export a “Instant Reply” movie that can be watched. Domonik, EA and AK could share their playthroughs via the forums.
Suggestions for new player units