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Sprayers are Anti-Creeper (AC) weapons. They need Anticreeper from the Factory to operate. Sprayers can be set to collect Anti-Creeper from the terrain they stand on and return it to the Factory. They can also generate a field to attract Anti-Creeper within a radius. Range and speed can be upgraded globally from the ERN Portal or individually by giving one an ERN. For damage, movement, and upgrade data, see Player Unit Data
Sprayers can also be set to be “Always On”, which causes them to always deposit Anti-Creeper even if there is no Creeper in range. A Sprayer in this mode will prioritize firing at Creeper. If there is no Creeper, it will deposit Anti-Creeper directly under itself.
Sprayers have several options that affect their functionality.
The top part is similar to most other units and are the common unit controls. Of interest here are the specific controls for the Sprayer:
Care should be used, as checking the wrong combination of options may be futile or counter-productive.
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