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Custom maps

For now, just random bits as they become available. Make sure to read the image guidelines

Map Editor

New maps can be created in one of two ways

  • Create Mission
  • Import a CW3 map

Once this step is completed, the terrain can be edited, units can be added and then you're set to play!

The map editor button is found in the lower right corner of the main game screen.

The in-game editor has 5 main options:

  • Terrain - specifies features of the terrain, including height, appearance, (Anti-)Creeper deposits, Special terrain types and Eco (ecology) settings.
  • Theme - Specifies map background, default or imported themes and edits themes in the Theme Editor.
  • Units - built-in units can be placed on the map from here.
  • Game - sets game title and description. Also specify start and completion messages, creeper flow rate and void and Mesh values.
  • Mods - custom units and scripts are done from here. Detailed treatment in Scripting and Making Custom Maps.

There are also global settings that affects the flow of creeper on a map.

Image guidelines

All decisions regarding maps, images and associated content is solely the decision of Knuckle Cracker LLC. No decision creates a precedent for subsequent decisions and any decision made may be reversed subsequently.

The aim is to provide maps that are fun to play and suitable for all audiences without being offensive to the majority of the player audience.

Do not use images that you do not have the right to use. If the image(s) require credit, make sure the credit is provided.

Understanding the 3D coordinate system

Prepare yourself for a shock. In 3D games, the map coordinates are stranger than you may think.

Here is a good resource:

3D Math Primer for Game Programmers (Coordinate Systems)

Also note that, in line with the underlying Unity3D engine, the game uses a left-handed coordinate system in contrast to the right-handed coordinate system you may expect.


Giuseppe Portelli wrote a series of articles about coordinate systems comparison between Autodesk 3ds Max, Unity 3D and Unreal Engine. If you are familiar with any of those other systems, then this may be the comparison you need.

Movement and Rotation

Bear in mind that movement is always *along the axis, while rotation is *around* the axis.

For instance, for an propeller airplane to move in a specific direction the coordinate for that direction would have to change. At the same time, the rotational vector for the propeller movement would also change around the same axis.

World View and Local View

Many coordinate APIs (commands) in the the game has an option to specify local vs world coordinates.

World Coordinates are immutable and always arae references from the map origin at (0,0,0) - in the lower, left corner.

Local coordinates are relative to a different (parental) unit and is used to integrate unit movement. Using the airplane example again, should the body of the plane move, the rotational component for the propeller should be in local coordinates so that it tracks and is always relative to the direction the body of the airplane points in .

A.D.A Message editor

Here is a write-up of all rich text formatting allowed in the A.D.A text editor. It is a more-or-less direct copy of

More about Creeper World 4
Main pages: Creeper World 4
Custom maps: Custom Maps Custom Units Scripting
cw4/custom_maps.1606772735.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/11/30 16:45 by Karsten75