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The Light Surface to Air Missile tower is a direct answer to enemy bombers (and anything that flies really) that are harassing the territory occupied by Creeper from the skies. Being light, it has a very fast lock-on acquisition, rotation speed, and good range while also being easy to quickly deploy by the construction mechanisms within the Creeper among the VWC project. However, its reload time is rather slow but this ensures the Light SAM requires minimal power.
Lots of changes happened to this unit. Update needed.
This is only a thing in VPAC versions older than
Light SAMs gain effectiveness after being active for 5 minutes as they collect data about the environment they are in. Once enough independent data is collected, the Light SAM can change specific properties of its Plasma Missiles with extreme precision to optimize the Plasma Missile's properties for the environment they are in.
The enhancements result in the following for launched Plasma Missiles:
Damage buff legacy:
[v2.8.0.2 - v2.7.5.0] 1.75x per missile. 0.88 ⇒ 1.54
[v2.7.5.0 - v2.7.3.0] 1.5x per missile: 1.54 ⇒ 1.32
[v2.8.0.2 - v2.8.1.4] 2.5x per missile: 1.32 ⇒ 2.2
[v2.8.1.4 - CURRENT] 2.0x per missile: 2.2 ⇒ 1.76
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