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CPACK - VPAC Creeper Expansion
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[VPAC Creeper Expansion] Egg Fabricator

The 'Egg' Fabricator creates 'Eggs' of Creeper by absorbing surrounding Creeper at uncapped speeds. It is a 1:1 ratio of Creeper absorbed and Creeper stored in an 'Egg'. (Though this can be changed by the map maker, it is to be completely avoided as there is no 4RPL method to getting 'Egg' Payload from the mission's settings).
The 'Egg' Fabricator is the only method of transporting large volumes of Creep from A to B by absorbing the surrounding Creep and launching created 'Eggs' to a new location. This also makes this fabricator a proper method of combating Creeper Cutoff where Emitters shut off due to how much Creep is on the map.
