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[V-Buildings] Wolf Missile Silo (WMS) - Vertu

The Wolf Missile Silo (WMS) is a mass ordinance launcher that can launch 20 Wolf Missiles in a single volley all at once. Each missile deals a significant amount of damage over a respectable radius, causing the entire volley to be devastating to the targeted area. It is super compact as well as the missiles themselves, making it similar engineering efficiency to the PFLEMS. Just look at it! IT IS TINY!!



The WMS was one of the first weapons created by Vertu to be used within the CW4 Universe. Though “first” can mean a lot of things in this context. As for its invulnerability, it is surprising what can be done with a bit of “chemical stealth” (in context of the Creeper) and being built within the terrain. The “chemical stealth” keeps the Creeper from dissolving the silo and being built in the terrain mitigates damage caused by other sources. You will need a bunker buster to damage this construct.