Custom Map #857: feild play 5:cubic(small ver.)

Started by AutoPost, February 18, 2012, 07:01:03 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #857: feild play 5:cubic(small ver.)

Author: lee

feild play has been reawakend!now in cubic madness!win or be..uhh...pushed around!now with 17 chambers of doom!


Nice play with the feilds. I hope the large version doesnt contain a 200 health emitter!?

Ebon Heart

Quote from: EmdSh on February 19, 2012, 05:41:59 AM
Nice play with the feilds. I hope the large version doesnt contain a 200 health emitter!?
100 health is the max the editor will let you do. (thank god)
When the going gets tough, the tough get going. The smart left a long time ago.
Check out the amazing A Tragedy Forgotten CW2 map series!

Nate Dog

I'm gonna get around to this later... But seriously, a 100 health emitter? Maybe if there was unlimited energy and there was nothing around the emitter...


i liked this mission but i agree the 100 emitter was a bit much. (perhaps 50?)
it was really dull for about 15 mins but with sharp use of conv bombs this mission is pretty quick after that.(may have been more tricky if i didn't have 10 of millions of ac from all the Conv bombs i used. 6 vacuuming and about 50 producing)
keep on
"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.... Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.... Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?.... Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?" --- Epicurus


I love the idea of cube maps, but man, this map is just busy work. Disappointing :-(


Ordinarily when I see a high score 12 whole minutes better than the second best I think CHEATER!!!!, but I think a lot of people failed to realize a few things:


1. Once you get past the 100 health Emitter just 'cap' it with a shield (or five) and move on. You should open the upper right room by 16:00
2. You can waste A LOT of time trying to get the Conversion Bomb. If you don't have it by 18:00 go back to your last save.
3. Only start killing the 100 health Emitter after you collect the first 500 cost/3000 energy Blue Crystal. 10 Makers can 'neutralize' it while you hit it with 24 Nullifiers at a time.
4. You can push Anti-Creeper off the fields of the 'checker room' with Repulsors and then down into the large room. Also you can pound the lower right room with Launchers from the 'vertical stripes room' with two Micro Rifts.
5. And lastly, it's faster to just use Conversion Bombs on the lower left room without Shields.

I'm sure the SCORE can be beat by at least 30 seconds (<22:00), and the TIME can be beat by possibly 3 minutes using the score killing free red gems.

Good luck!