Custom Map #633: Dagon 6: No time to Relax

Started by AutoPost, January 01, 2012, 01:01:03 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #633: Dagon 6: No time to Relax

Author: Peter Power

Dagon goes home to his apt and after a quick shower and nap, he fires up the computer and starts surfing the internet. Unfortunately, some old `friends` are hunting him down...


Aah, Artistically it looks great. I am constantly impressed with the versatility of design that is possible with the editting tools. Thanks Virgil for a great game and a great editor!


how do i beat it?if i go up i get swarmed by drones,if i go down,i get swarmed by creeper!!! ??? ??? ??? ??? ???


I handled it absolutely terribly, but I still won. Build up reactors asap, then 3 blasters each in the places where the trees are weakest. I eventually lost my ground, but I just moved up near the ship where it was safe and started building again, eventually pushing it back enough to win.
I love these maps, and I especially love how you've managed to make a plot completely devoid of creeper in Creeper World. Very clever :D


Thanks! I try to make my levels require some unconventional thinking. You were right that you must abandon your first base on the apt roof and rebuild on the top right. I used a anti-creeper maker to flood the top tree and diffuse the blaster shots, then built around 15 reactors up there. The drones are very weak and can be taken out by one blaster. The 2 cannons need about 4 blasters each to subdue them and then you can build reactors all the way down the grey building to support your invasion force, which is even easier of you still have Ore left over.