Custom Map #322: pro Marka 4

Started by AutoPost, October 15, 2011, 03:01:04 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #322: pro Marka 4

Author: llljjj

kolo pro Marka 4


So far, I've had to restart about 10 times and can't quite get the right sequence.
No big deal - that's what these games are all about.

Bottom line: another fun game from you - thanks.


With this map you need to think about - where you are not keep. Over time and on request I will give advice. The solution to this is very simple. When you know you will win for sure.

For starters, a tip:
Move Liberation ship.


This is a great map! I really had a lot of fun
playing it! I love maps that involve the LS
in danger of actually dying.

I may have gone about it the "wrong" way,
but the way I did it worked after 4-5 tries.  ;)

Thanks for the great map! Keep it up!
To fight back the Creeper all you need is. . . What? Energy.
My maps CW1 are located here try out my MIS series.


I wouldn't think it should be very hard to do it without moving the LS (of course, some movements would be useful to use fewer beacons etc.) - I imagine all you would need is 4 launchers and 4 repulsors to defend, with a few shields to stall early game, and you're given plenty of crystal energy to build up enough in that time - all of the emitters at the top are easy to nullify also since they're all in corners of diggable terrain, just dig next to them, but shields around them and nullify them - no need to clear the creeper around the emitters to nullify them.

EDIT: This is how I started it - I'm not sure how it was expected to be done, but I can't imagine anything drastically different being very time efficient..



That is pretty much how I started too Kithros,
though I used 2 launchers and was able to
hold the density back long enough to build up
more than you did, before I started nullifying.
To fight back the Creeper all you need is. . . What? Energy.
My maps CW1 are located here try out my MIS series.