Custom Map #193: 1.3 Revaran City

Started by AutoPost, September 13, 2011, 09:01:02 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #193: 1.3 Revaran City

Author: Link327

Revaran City is under Attack. The people living there built up some denfeces, but without your help they won't survive the attack. Rescue all people and flee from this lost place.


Why do I need to flee? :/



nice job.... xD
didnt expect anyone would do so xD


I don't understand these sub-30 minute times.
It takes me almost that long to clear out the ore blocks.

Is there some way to beat this without drilling down through the ore first?

snowmaker (JM)

I highly doubt the sub 14 minute time is legit after having played this map. It takes at least that amount of time to get through a single layer of ore. Plus, if you dig below you fail instantly.



Quote from: snowmaker (JM) on September 25, 2011, 06:20:00 PM
I highly doubt the sub 14 minute time is legit after having played this map. It takes at least that amount of time to get through the two layers of ore. Plus, if you dig below you fail instantly.
I'm pretty sure there's at most 1 second room for improvement on my time if that - I built the ore rig right away, and I never had my ore maxed out (ie. ore rig constantly running) - I had a microrift built 1 space away from the ore rigs as they were finishing off the ore (with packet speed maxed out) and another microrift for the 2nd layer again 1 space away. Each time while digging through the blocks I made sure to start digging right away (I think I may have lost a single frame on one of them..), and of course I had all the bunkers rescued and all the capsules selected when breaking through the next layer (might be possible to cut off 2-3 frames if you had crystal energy saved or made sure packets were sent to the farthes capsule first - since the LS will only send 2 packets per frame normally) - but yeah, SkiWVs time is blatantly impossible.


Yep; that 13 minute time has to be a cheat.

This map is longer than need be ... half the amount of ore to clear would have been better. I went and cut a bunch of lumber for a fence while waiting for the second layer of ore to be cleared.  :P

First screenshot is less than a minute after I cleared all the creeper, second is when the ore was out of my way.
Power. Power! I must have more POWER!


Something has to be explained...
How does it come that I succeeded against this map two years ago (score still recorded on my PC, little more than 20.000 points) and that after I reloaded it a few days ago, I just can't go past the roof of the starting building ?

Is link 237 the kind of people that can't stand people winning against "him" (or "her") by unexpected means ? (see previous posts)
And so, he'd have uploaded a "meaner" map that no one can now match ?

If so, Link shoud do two things :
- learn the meaning of "fair play"
- quit making maps... there'll always be someone winning... even if that means editing it to make it easy (just look at the impossible results that are recorded one every map score boards)

If not, I confirm I've lost almost every kind of patience.
I like the games I play to be challenging, but I don't have days long to spend trying to figure out the only-one-way-with-a-millisecond-timing a map requires to get rid of.
I love the CW games because it's a rare kind of games where you can win by using many strategies.
I hate maps telling me how I must act second by second if I don't want to lose... especially when the map takes hours to complete.


Some people enjoy maps like this, I personally build maps that I enjoy playing.
Wait until you see this --- oh wait....nevermind


All right. I got it.
Build microrifts close to every bunker groups then until the ore deposits get empty.

It's a hurry-up-for-the-first-few-seconds-then-wait-for-hours kind of map.
Not really interesting, really.

It's a shame since the story around this map seems not bad at all.