Facebook port idea thread

Started by betadata, February 25, 2010, 12:14:59 AM

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I know virgil has speculated that he would like to port CW to a facebook game. The most popular FB games seem to have interation between players/friends. Each helping the other achieve tasks/awards. Leveling up is also a feature of the more popular games. I dont think CW was originally designed to be a FB game but maybe there are some ideas out there that may help CW be successful on FB.

Can anyone come up with things that would help CW be popular on FB.

Breaking the game into "levels" as sort of was done in the story mode where we unlocked the weapons and buildings could be a part of this if it were more obvious that we are unlocking things.

Upgrade power ups could be earned instead of given on the maps. Gifting them and buing them with CW cash.
instant built, instant transport of weapons, Thor could all be earned for use on any map

There was some discussion of a "universe" type place where we compete as "teams" This may be a good idea for FB. It would need to be tested for balance.


Guess there are a bunch of FB haters here ;)


You base that on the large number of negative responses?

I for one am not allowed to use Facebook.


No I base it on the lack of responses. 


Doh, I forgot the smiley on my post. :P


Good ole FB is something I am interested in... not because I just love it but because I go where the people go... and there are lots and lots of people going there.

One option is to just throw the training sim up as a FB app and integrate some basic wall posting when you finish a level.  This at least would pick up some free viral advertisement.

But, I have also considered doing 'something else', perhaps a small side branch set of missions based on the same CW1 engine. 


33 million people play on an imaginary farm on FB. I am sure that virgil would be happy with 1/10 of that :)

Throw up some ideas here guys/gals lets see what kind of imagination you have.


I dislike FB. Full of spam imho. Also hate all of the other social networking sites, just breeds pitiful garbage.



Quote from: Kamron3 on February 26, 2010, 06:53:20 PM
I dislike FB. Full of spam imho. Also hate all of the other social networking sites, just breeds pitiful garbage.


You may be right but seems that lots of people love that pitiful garbage. ;)


I'm no giant fan of the zynga games either (or their like).  But I do admire the company behind them and their 2009 revenue.  :)  Zynga is to casual social gaming what Popcap is to inexpensive puzzle games.

The way I rationalize CW on FB is to say perhaps it is time to bring a real strategy game to the social masses.  Now I know the demographic on FB and the demographic that plays farmville, etc.  The average player is a 43 year old woman... So this player isn't going to jump up and down to play CW at the same level they will buy chicken coops and fuel for their virtual tractors.  But people are people and CW sales are a direct function of exposure.... so FB is a place to get relatively inexpensive exposure through viral wall postings. 


Im not a HUGE fan of the Zynga games like Virgil but I do play a couple of games of theirs. I think Mytown is one. But thats just because I like building towns... and stuff...
Life Lesson #1
When life gives you lemons make lemonade.
Life Lesson #2
Unless life also gives you sugar and a cup, your lemonades gonna suck.


The ability to challenge friends to beat your score on a map might be an interesting route. with post to the walls showing high scores. Going the pop cap type of way as with bejeweled.


yes do this and make some new make for it!
or make maps on the editor and put them on facebook so we can play them!