Bulk score uploader

Started by Karsten75, February 16, 2010, 07:38:44 PM

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Virgil, I can't be the only one having this problem, and perhaps, when custom map score uploading becomes available, this may affect more players.

I was away from an Internet connection, playing on my laptop. Now I can't upload the score, unless I replay the game.

How hard (not rhetorical) would it be, either in-game, or as a separate module, to write a piece of code that would upload all scores to the server? Of course, various refinements comes to mind, but just the basic concept for starters?


I think this was taken out after the update that took away the bug to have all buildings/weapons available so the old scores wouldnt be uploaded again to the reset score board.


Hmmm.... bummer.  Didn't even know it used to be there.