Reset Scores on PC and Start Over?

Started by orkin man, February 16, 2010, 02:31:56 PM

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orkin man

Hey guys - CW is an AMAZING game.  Kudos to the designers and developers!  Best $10 I've ever spent on a game - didn't even have to think about it after playing the training sim and the demo...  it keeps me busy for hours.  I'm still a bit new, and right now I'm on Pyxis in story mode.  Haven't tried any of the conquests yet.  I love playing and re-playing the earlier worlds to try different strategies to increase the score.  Corvus was a nice challenge, but right now the big challenge for me is trying to break 8000 in Draco!

Got a couple of questions though:

Is the score solely dependent on time?  Or are there other ways to increase the score, ie building more efficiently, using less weaponry, etc?

I'm just wondering if there's an easy way to clear out the scores on the local PC and start over again, without re-installing the software... I posted some of the high scores but not all (pc shows total score of 135334/plays 49) - I wasn't posting because I was still learning - but then I went and looked at the high score board and mine aren't so bad!! and I'd like to get them all posted.  I don't mind playing the worlds again from scratch knowing what I know now about efficiency, energy, etc.  Those things took a while to learn.

Thanks for making a great game!

The Orkin Man - Creeper Exterminator.


Score is time-based only.

No need to clear out and start over. Simply play the missing levels and post your times at the end of each map.

If you insist, and you are on Windows, open WIndows Explorer and in the address bar type %appdata%. Look for the CreeperWorld folder (one without the numeric suffix). One of the files in there might be the file holding your scores. I'd experiment by renamiing one, then the other, to see the effect before deleting one permanently.