Custom Map: Virtual Color War

Started by AutoPost, July 02, 2011, 10:56:12 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map: Virtual Color War

Author: mopa42

The creeper has infiltrated the virtual realm and is flowing over the peaceful colors with a swarm of dark 0-bits. Commander of the white 1-bits, come to their aid!


I found this challenging from start to finish.  The visuals are interesting, but the dark creeper was difficult to see against the dark terrain.  Thanks!


Excellent fun!
Thank you for putting it together.


(meant to post first, but wasn't around when my map got posted)
Glad you guys enjoyed playing it.

I am not good at estimating difficulties of my maps, but I'm pretty sure this map is only medium. Nothing too challenging. If you cap the top-left emitter in 5 minutes you're pretty safe the rest of the game.
Here's the full-size background (because I think it looks pretty cool and had lots of fun making it).

Ebon Heart

the design is excellent, though the creeper is a bit hard to see. I'll have a score soon.
When the going gets tough, the tough get going. The smart left a long time ago.
Check out the amazing A Tragedy Forgotten CW2 map series!


excellent, yes, I liked it, also the emitter power, lots of strategy possible, thanks !