Need some tips...

Started by Miksu, June 26, 2011, 01:17:53 PM

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Well, I am stuck at small gap (Titan emitter other side) and I do not seem to move at all now...

So I need some tips..

There is 80Mil emitter and around it is about 9-21 mil of creeper...

Here is a screeny...


First off, you want to fall back a bit and get rid of *a lot* of your blasters, and use more launchers. Having 4-5 blasters with some repulsors is good enough for titan emitters (fully upgraded) - as long as the launchers are doing their job (you want to make sure some of the launchers are targetting the front of the creeper to help keep it from overflowing - once it isn't overflowing then make sure the rest of them target farther in). If you don't have everything worth upgrading upgraded (in this instance the only truly important upgrades for you will be range, attack rate, and reactor efficiency - maybe a few in energy storage or packet speed also, reactor efficiency is by far the most important for these cases though), then you'll want to build more tech domes and fall farther back so you have energy for them. Once you have everything important upgraded destroy the tech domes and replace them with more reactors. I would try to aim for about 4 blasters, 6-8 repulsors, and the rest of the energy going towards launchers - you might need a few more blasters or repulsors once you actually go in for the nullify since you don't have much ore left to burst with makers.

EDIT: Another thing worth mentioning, is that even when prepared properly it will take quite some time to advance - but the creeper density will be decreasing over time so you will eventually start to make progress. There are also some places where you have beacons where you could instead have reactors - build beacons in other places if necessary (I don't think all your beacons need to be activated) and build as many reactors as you can, and there's also an empty space towards the left side of the map where you can build a reactor.


Against heavy creepers launchers do more damage than blasters. Blasters suck up your energy fast too.

You should build a shield and then dig through. Have all your launchers weaken the creeper. Then move forward your blasters and have them hold it back.