Most difficult map?

Started by tpatana, February 14, 2010, 03:54:42 PM

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Can you give me couple of maps you regards as most difficult? I'm not that good yet, so I'd like to hone my skills by beating (or trying to) the most difficult maps.

And difficult as in "one false move and you're dead", instead of "easy but takes 5 hours to do"


Defiantly not the most difficult map but my Moon Landing is certainly a good challenge


I know my spelling is shaky, have fun! Shake along with it :P


soon my map "tv problems" will come out. siccles the person with almost all highscores almost couldn't beat that map.
remember to play my maps. maps from the player jem!


try mine wacky 3 its realy hard
go Dutch
go Netherlands
Holland ftw!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Try some of the maps of user ItsFunToLose. They provide interesting challenges.



I agree with jecowa. ItsFunToLose has some of the hardest maps. I would also suggest looking at Apocalypstic's maps.
Life Lesson #1
When life gives you lemons make lemonade.
Life Lesson #2
Unless life also gives you sugar and a cup, your lemonades gonna suck.


Try Xylnalya's maps They are *really* hard. There is a difference between maps that are just stupidly hard and maps that takes a lot of skill to win.


Here's a map just for you... and the other people who like hard maps. You have but a mere two minutes in a tiny space to set up a spore and creeper defence or you will die. Is this hard enough for you?
Life Lesson #1
When life gives you lemons make lemonade.
Life Lesson #2
Unless life also gives you sugar and a cup, your lemonades gonna suck.


Quote from: bobandirus on February 15, 2010, 06:50:24 AM
Try my 1 map

That was difficultish, although second run was quite easy as it was easy to spot what needs to be done.

Quote from: jem on February 15, 2010, 09:38:34 AM
soon my map "tv problems" will come out. siccles the person with almost all highscores almost couldn't beat that map.

This one was a tought one. I had to take 3 starts until I figured out the best way to do it. Then I was down the other side almost to the last emitter, but I just couldn't leapfrog enough blasters and build a collector in time.

Then I accidentally used one blaster as a relay for a collector! Lol, I didn't know you can do that. After realizing that, it was quite easy to finish. Total time 43:28.

But good fun maps, keep the challenging ones coming!


Quote from: Mrmcdeath on February 17, 2010, 05:53:17 PM
Here's a map just for you... and the other people who like hard maps. You have but a mere two minutes in a tiny space to set up a spore and creeper defence or you will die. Is this hard enough for you?

I have to confess, I couldn't find a way to do this.

So far I've found a solution to any map in 2-3 tries, but this one I just couldn't. On the 2 minute it takes for both the spores and the creeper, you have time to defend against one effectively, but not both. You have time for 6-9 collectors, plus 2-3 sams and 2-3 blasters. 2 sams can block the spores only with utmost luck, and 3 blasters can't keep up with the creeper flow. If I replace the sams with few more blasters, the spores kill me. If I make one drone to replace 1 sam + 1 blaster, that'll reduce the creeper flow from one of the pools but not both, and there's no time to make 2 drones and enough sams/blaster the same time, so that's dead end too.

So even though I've quite easily found a solution to each difficult map I've tried so far, I can't think how to do this.

So could you tell us how it can be done, I already tried every trick I can think of.


he has said in the map comments that there is a mistake in the emitter flow it will be fixed


It is possible to beat Mrmcdeath's Moki Moki map.


Quote from: jecowa on February 19, 2010, 12:21:32 AM
It is possible to beat Mrmcdeath's Moki Moki map.

Can you tell exact order what you built? Because I still can't make it. Do you have same version of his map?

Meanwhile I tried the Fenris - Chapter 1, was quite nice.