Nominate the best/worst planet in CW story line

Started by Karsten75, February 10, 2010, 02:06:43 PM

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Could one of the mods be so nice as to create a poll with all the planets of the story line and we can all vote for our 3 most favorite planets? You can leave out the 1st 5 or so, since they are really training missions and no-one will vote for them.  If every person can have 3 votes it would be nice.



Tucana, it made me think differently
The one right before the last, it made me work really fast
3rd Vote leaving open as I'm sure i'll get an idea for a 3rd world soon.

Commander Strife

Loki, enough said.
The world before it, just cause it's irritating with the flow of creeper, and the forced use of drones...
third being open for expansion, cause i bet you the expansion is going to be even more redicolous with survival and winning.
We Are Endless...
Light will collapse beside Evil...
With Our Approach...
All Will Fall...


1) Corvus, it was the first difficult planet in the storyline, and I found it the hardest one except for Pyxis.
2) Ix, cause that's where you finally get drones.
3) Loki, because it's just amazing how much Creeper one single blaster can stop if you place it well.


My favourite planets are:
Pyxis - great use of walls
Corvus - island hoping was fun
Tucana - forced me to play efficiently


Mine are:
Tucana [FINALLY something gave me a nudge in the difficult direction]
Ix [It made me think twice when using blasters to try to slow the overflow barely worked. A mortar or drone would've been better.]
Pyxis [Speedrun skills required. Ok not really, but still. I beat it too easily. I need to play it on DD sometime.]
And a close 4th was Pavo, if only because I love that style of level, and it's curlyness.


These are my best ones :

1. Loki. I love how much creeper a blaster can stop if placed effienctly.
2. Ara. I like hopping up places with blasters.
3. Tucana. Made me think of using mortars instead of blasters.
4. Pyxis. Same as Ara, but including the good use of walls.

These are my worst ones :

1. Volan. Seen it in the game trailer, so I knew how to win it.
2. Corvus. Hopping up and down repeatedly drives me nuts.
3. Octan. It was rather bland, and symmetry made it boring.