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Started by crazyone76, February 10, 2010, 11:43:42 AM

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drones are great things i only have one problem with them
whenever i activate them i sometimes accidentley double click on them maken them attack their own building why cant we resend them
go Dutch
go Netherlands
Holland ftw!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


because it would make them absolutly imbalanced and would make mortars useless?


no i dont mean they can stay in the air forever then they become a mini thor
go Dutch
go Netherlands
Holland ftw!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


try to put that sentence in correct english then I might be able to understand you.


He means to change the target mid-flight. It wouldn't give more bombs, just be able to change targets.


I have done the same mistake many times and dubbel clicked the Drone ,
so it would be nice to be abel to change the Drones target during the attack .
Or make it so the Drones doesnt attacke if they arent target on the creepers ,
but that might be an problem too ,
sometimes i use drones to attack an cleard high point to make room around it ,
so an reattack point would be the best thing .
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reattacking would make drones WAY TOO STRONG i know what i am talking about take my word for it.


Oh , scared for someone else making good scores Siccles =P
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I think this is a UI issue. Fixing it (if there is a way to do it, which I can't see how) would not change gameplay, but would just fix the way people interact with the game.

I think everyone makes that mistake once or twice and then learn not to do it. So maybe just leave it as-is.


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Quote from: SPIFFEN on February 15, 2010, 11:28:28 AM
UI issue ?

User Interface. It is a term that game designers and programmers use to describe how people use their programs.

Like the dialogs that pop up in CW that you must click on and cannot dismiss with the keyboard.

Commander Strife

or atleast making it so then the green circle appears around it. cause it has none which i too have double clicked and only because i thought it was glitching out and not selecting.
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All Will Fall...


well maybe there could be a setting that switches between single and double click, like single is normal and double means you have to double click to select stuff, that would clear up your drone fails :P


There can be something like "targeting button" - you can place beacon on map with it. Double-clicking on trodne would then send the drone automatically to the beacon. It can also help if you are bombing some place regularly.
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true, kinda like a rally point for other RTS games so that no matter what happens, as soon as the drone launches it will head for that place