Custom Map: The Destroyer (Final Part)

Started by AutoPost, April 05, 2011, 09:13:42 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map: The Destroyer (Final Part)

Author: Link327

The most heavy map of the Destroyer.
Finally you can see an End^^
This is time limited: The Destroyer initiated Self-Destruction.
So be fast or you're doomed. You will need much energy, but you msut find a compromis between building weapons and reactors...


One thing: If you cant beat this map, if it is too hard for you, psl dont rate this map with 1 Star.
It IS hard. And it is not even Sooooo hard, even me made it. Like a little strategy:
1.) First connect the reactors already on map.
2.) If they're nearly connected, build some blasters. Better a bit before.
3.) Place the blasters in taht middle area on the higher terrains, if Creeper already flooded you're a bit slow. But does not mean you already lost. So you should hold all three lines at the entrance to the middle room back.
X.) From now on you msut continous build reactors. You will need them. But never too much. ca 1-2 Reactors at a time. 2 Mortars can help very much.
4.) Put 3 blasters on the middle path, they CAN stop that line. With 3 Blasters you can beat that line (maybe with help of some mortars)
5.) You'll need ca 4 Blasters to hold the upper line and the line below the middle. Much energy needed from now.
6.) Try jsut to move your blasters little forwards. When you have a bit mroe energy go on 5 Blasters.
7.) When you reach the first emitters, detonate ALL Mines. They will destroy HUGE masses of Creeper. Can help in huge masses - Use the situation and move your blasters fast forwards.
8.) Try to get your blasters in positions so they can defend Collectors/Relays to connect the totems.
9.) You've won!
Imagine this with even more Creeper.
The Emitters in the "front" part, the ones I talked about in 7.), are set on: 2.2.80. The others on 2.2.220
Before they were on: 2.2.100;2.2.300
Even my forces were annihilated by that, lost fully all connections for the middle line and everything jsut blew up.
But really, it is possible. Maybe not easy but I want the ones playing my maps to win.
Follow these instructions, I played like that. You wont need any storages, few speeds, like 5. Build them if you have some energy left.

hope I could help the ones not coming forwards.
Have fun!


Very fun brute emitters map. On the light side of the "experts only" but there is little time to build up defense and energy arrays before walls fully break.

If I may say, I disliked the collector spam, it did not made much sense.

But I enjoyed playing your map.
Don't make a slog just because. Be like Master Mapmaker SPIFFEN:
Quote from: themaskedcrusader on October 05, 2010, 05:09:33 PM
(...)Difficulty is subjective. (...)
SPIFFEN chooses to rate each map as trivial because they believe that the difficulty of the map depends on the capability of the player.
Quote from: DumbCreeperGamer"Ugh, me no finish map, map too hard, ME RATE ONE.
oOga OoGa to you too.


The solid lines of collectors cover the 'self destruct'.

(Got wiped out on the edge of victory; won't waste my time trying again.)
Power. Power! I must have more POWER!


15 minutes and 1 second...I really cut things close.