Custom Map: Leaky

Started by AutoPost, March 27, 2011, 10:21:02 AM

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Yep. I positioned the blasters on the edge, so only a width of one square went over. That way it only fired when needed.
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Quote from: Sqaz on August 28, 2011, 02:49:35 PM
The comments are here to comment, dare to use them.


Hi,  That's also what I did.  First I had 2 blasters and added a 3rd and I agree they could hold it indefinitely as long as they weren't constantly firing.  Most of the time they were idle.


You guys are way too good. :-[

I built 3 Mortars and waited until I was almost full of reactors - then built more Mortars and Blasters to start working my way up and left...and left and up.

This game was enough fun that I will play it again and try to be a little more aggressive.


Well, I finally finished it.  Twice my computer crashed in the middle of things and had to start over.  Damn 9 year old mac  >:(  I didn't like the route I took, though, so might try it again another time.  Blasters in just the right spots make all the difference, using little energy to keep the creeper back.  I only built one mortar, though, so maybe next time I'll build a couple more of those.


Like Snowmaker says in the opening text: it also matters which upgrades you choose.

I picked +10% energy, -10% building costs and +20% fire range (for my mortars), although I'm not sure if these are the ones intended.
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Snowmaker - one question...When is the next one?


snowmaker (JM)

Not sure... I have toyed with a couple different ideas  ;)


Okay, I've been obsessed with this map, so tried again LOL  3 tries now, and I've shaved about 10 minutes off my first completed run.  I keep learning as I go, and have been tempted to look at some of the videos mentioned on other threads on youtube to see better ways to do things, but I'd rather figure these things out myself :)

When you do another map, please don't be so brutal as this one.  I have way too much work and have to sleep once in a while too!

But thanks for the challenge!
