unfair map downloads

Started by jem, February 03, 2010, 11:04:42 AM

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now there are 25 maps a day possible some will get lower on the page. only the maps on the top get many more times downloaded. thats pretty unfair.
remember to play my maps. maps from the player jem! http://knucklecracker.com/creeperworld/viewmaps.php?author=jem


Quote from: jem on February 03, 2010, 11:04:42 AM
now there are 25 maps a day possible some will get lower on the page. only the maps on the top get many more times downloaded. thats pretty unfair.

If you think making 25 maps a day available is unfair, why don't you suggest something that you think is fair as an alternate?


Is the last map uploaded that gets on the top ,
or is the map that starts with A ( or something )

I think players will download the maps to well know players in the forum ,
or the maps that looks most intresting to play .

And there will always be someone who download some of the first maps they see ,
and try to finnish them before they downloade new maps .

If you think you have made an great map , post it in the forum ,
and then you might see how great it is .
And you might get ideas how to make the map better .
PLZ THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU CALL YOUR TOPIC ! It will make the search work better =)
My maps : http://knucklecracker.com/creeperworld/viewmaps.php?author=SPIFFEN
How to make links


latest map uploaded is first on the list, and it's not that bad because all maps get a chance to be first, plus with the 3 random maps bit all the maps will be circulated every now and then


Maybe a sort option would be nice.

Like, sort by:
- Name
- Date published
- Rating (which I'm missing in the overview anyway)
- Number of comments
- Difficulty
- Author
- Number of downloads
My CW1 maps: downloads - overview
My CW2 maps: downloads - overview


there was such a sort option but virgil removed it


I only posted 15 last night.  The number will settle down to whatever number of maps appear daily soon.  There was a giant rush of maps that came in over the last couple of weeks.

Sorting....  I might add some sorting back in.  I may start by adding some more 'fliters' at the top, though (top 10 lists or something).  Both sorting and top 10 are a little tricky in that they can promote 'interesting' behavior.  For instance, sorting by rank encourages map makers to vote 5 for their own maps and 1 for everybody else (yes, people do this).  Sorting by number of comments, encourages people to post meaningless comments.  Etc...

None of these things are really fatal or even that big of a deal, they are just small things that can often produce results different than originally expected.

In any case, I'll probably start adding some of these things back in and see how it works out.


i think sorting by downloads is the best way since good maps get around more and its less likely to have modified results


Quote from: Aurzel on February 03, 2010, 03:06:09 PM
i think sorting by downloads is the best way since good maps get around more and its less likely to have modified results

I dunno. The most downloaded map on the old system was that flat map that was as hard as heck to beat.  4 emitters, one in each corner and 4 totems in the middle of each side. Nothing else.  That map had over 600 downloads.


this map wasn`t hard to beat if you thought about the design for a moment and didn`t  barricade yourself in the center :)


Quote from: Siccles on February 03, 2010, 04:01:21 PM
this map wasn`t hard to beat if you thought about the design for a moment and didn`t  barricade yourself in the center :)
We're way off topic, but I have thought about it a lot, tried moving my city, no luck.

Gimme a hint as to a strategy to win it.

I can see that the creeper flows across, leaving a thin up/down corridor, but I can't use that. I've tried to fly the city, but it moves too slow.

I'm all out of ideas.


Quote from: Karsten75 on February 03, 2010, 04:03:55 PM
Quote from: Siccles on February 03, 2010, 04:01:21 PM
this map wasn`t hard to beat if you thought about the design for a moment and didn`t  barricade yourself in the center :)
We're way off topic, but I have thought about it a lot, tried moving my city, no luck.

Gimme a hint as to a strategy to win it.

I can see that the creeper flows across, leaving a thin up/down corridor, but I can't use that. I've tried to fly the city, but it moves too slow.

I'm all out of ideas.

Incidentally, what was that map called?


build an blaster and only an blaster directly diagonal to odin city, once the blaster is done move both it and odin city to the corner the blaster is nearest at (DONT wait for ammunition), if u did it fast enough you will cap the emitter before odin city is destroyed, rest is easy

edit: Expert Round http://knucklecracker.com/creeperworld/mapcomments.php?id=211&page=


I don't think it's unfair or that people will cheat.  Who cares if others pull up their map?  I just uploaded my first map tonight, and yes I'd like someone to try it, but I don't care if it's #1.  People who do have ego issues.


How am I supposed to beat every map when there are 25 new ones every day? This is going to take forever.