Map classifications

Started by Karsten75, January 28, 2010, 02:45:22 PM

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If we institute a new map classification, what groupings would be nice to have?

I was thinking along the lines of
  - Author
    - Campaign name
       - Map name (name of the .cwm file)

But I know that at least one person named the worlds inside the maps with a different name than the downloadable file name.

What I want to do is to plan for having a searchable index for the maps.  What other groupings can you think of? and how does this break if we have a community campaign?  Should different authors be allowed to write maps for the same campaign name?  what happens if multiple authors write maps with the same name or the same world name?

What happens if the same author writes a revised map with updates and want to upload it? Should it replace the previous map or should the two maps co-exist?


I am suprised no one has responded to this, maybe I am too late.
Anyway, there should ba a way to prevent people naming their maps that same as other maps.
Maybe every author can be assigned a unique number and that unique number gets added to the title.
Just thinking.....