Custom Map #11441: Pure Ore Map - no tricks. By: Martin Gronsdal

Started by AutoPost, March 15, 2025, 12:19:53 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #11441: Pure Ore Map - no tricks

Author: Martin Gronsdal
Size: 256x256

some spores, but nothing too hard. Long Ore Battle.


Is there a trick to not making you game lag from too many guppies and mines? ;)

Martin Gronsdal

Yes. You have to collect the pick-up, but not an in-game one.

What I'm talking about is to pick up your new computer.

Johnny Haywire

LOL @ "collect the pick-up"

Ya gotta pay before ya play. Wait, is that pay-to-win?

I'm guessing not because if you eliminate computer lag but still experience brain lag you'll just lose faster and more smoothly.

Cool map - not a huge fan of guppies en masse, but it would be far too easy otherwise. Nicely done, m8.

Thanks for the map! =)
You disagree with this sentence, don't you?