Custom Map #11395: Outwitting Foes, Finding the Way. By: Martin Gronsdal

Started by AutoPost, January 21, 2025, 06:58:25 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #11395: Outwitting Foes, Finding the Way

Author: Martin Gronsdal
Size: 128x53

Somewhat influenced by map #1734: Tight Rope. By: Thumbmaster

Johnny Haywire

Very yes.

Dude, this was masterfully done. If there's some kind of happy medium between annoying and intriguing, this is probably really close to that point. I saw the way early on, but my wit was only level 1 or 2 so it was annoying. Once I realized I needed to get all my wits up to level 5, I figured out a better way to do that than trying to scoop up all the water in the Pacific Ocean with chopsticks.

Once I grabbed a spoon, everything went a lot more smoothly. Sometimes just one skill level higher can make all the difference between something building and something dying.

If you're struggling with this map, don't worry because the odds of you reading this are 1 in about like it even matters. Just watch the Mandalorian and say no to dementia.

This is the way.

Thanks for the map!! =)
You disagree with this sentence, don't you?