Custom Map #11199: Doomcube. By: MerlinCraft

Started by AutoPost, July 04, 2024, 03:22:02 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #11199: Doomcube

Author: MerlinCraft
Size: 256x256


Loren Pechtel

Doom?!  More like easy peasy!

The inner square is entirely friendly and faces no threat other than spores.  Of the 8 towers 4 are inside and sitting ducks.  I was able to preemptively kill three of the four outer towers using only the extra CNs.  I was also able to kill everything in that ring using only the CNs, just not before one spore fired once.  Note that this includes the anti-air "protecting" the inhibitor--not that it mattered because I got my fastest time with no air units at all.