Play Creeper World 1 Maps in Creeper World 2

Started by Pyxis_GeeK, August 30, 2010, 03:16:00 PM

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Ok right now to play creeper world 1 I have the following installed

Adobe Air             28.44 MB
Creeper World 1      7.44 MB
Creeper Map           2.41 MB (Optional)
        Total          38.29MB

I have a suggestion that instead of having to keep CW1 installed and having CW2 installed we can play CW1 maps in CW2. Space isnt really a concern for me but it may be for someone else. This isnt a large program in the grand scheme of things but it would keep us from having to have both installed. I checked the CW2 thread links:

I didnt see this suggestion there.

Wouldnt it make sense to make CW2 backwards compatible with CW1 Maps?

EDIT: Corrected a Spelling error and want to add: Im just talking about the custom maps. If you want to play stuff from CW1(Special Ops, Conquest, Main Missions) you would still have to have CW1 installed.  Just wanted to make that more clear. :D


I'd like that, my computer isn't up to any of the requirements for CW1 and to have both in one would be great.


Blaze: you wont need less ram or anything. and also pyxis geek, Air is a one only install, you wont need a seprate air install for CW2
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- The only echo present here...


It makes no sense. The map layout, units, terrain and logic are all different.

CW2 will have a scrolling, vertical map. The playing areas are different dimensions. If you don't have 10Megabytes of hard drive space, you *really* need a new computer or a larger hard drive.


Lets not think of the mechanics of CW2. I understand it is a vertical scrolling game. Im just talking about being able to play the "old" custom maps when CW2 comes out. Instead of having to keep CW1 and CW2 installed I could just have the new CW2 installed and I will still have the ability to play the old maps in the new game. Im not talking about having the old maps being able to have the same units that CW2 will have. It would just be nice to not have to have both games installed.

I do agree that if you cant spare 10 megs you need a new computer or bigger hard drive.


If you have less then 500mb/1gb, windows/mac/whatever will keep nagging you to clean space, so you should go do it :P
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- The only echo present here...


being able to have game one played in game 2 will probably take out most of the reason to buy CW1

(virgil wants to get people here to see cw2 and have them buy both :))
We have become the creeper...


Yeah your right. I was thinking about this more and its not really a good idea. Oh well if you never said what was on your mind some of the changes that have been brought to CW1 might not have happend. Ill keep thinking of suggestions though. It cant hurt to put them out there.
