Custom Map #1986: The Ultimate Test. By: XYZ Enterprises

Started by AutoPost, January 01, 2024, 08:35:03 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #1986: The Ultimate Test

Author: XYZ Enterprises
Size: 500x500

"The harder the map, the lower the rating." XYZ Enterprize That said, I don't think this map is hard enough, but i'm weird.


10/10 from me. One of the most enjoyable maps I've played in a long time. Took several retries until I got a strong foothold, and then it was a long grueling battle where I had to earn every inch of territory (and then retake it later over and over again). Thank you for making this map!


Yeeesh. Paper ships and no good place out of harm's way, unless you're willing to lose that one energy source.

I could...

place struc on the enemy ships' exact paths

but I just hate replaying until I have enough 20/20 hindsight to win.


In my winning playthrough,
I opened at the bottom right.

Also, in one attempt I opened with the top-left which was very nice, but the lack of good ships made it kind of hard to know where to go from there. I was trapped in that corner with a 100 energy source but nowhere to go. Might try it again. I suspect the ones who got a better time than me did it that way.





It seems the center is a trap, you need to start elsewhere.



Try as I may, I cannot come close to conquering this map.
Obviously the middle is a death trap, no chance there.
Top left, I can't kill enough ship spawners quickly enough, they overrun me.
Bottom right, get a decent start, have managed to take the 7 spawners up the right side and the emitter close to them, and of course mired the land. But the assault on my forces is too much they eventually wear me down without enough time to repair in between waves.

How have you guys managed it?