Custom Map #10950: 4zu0-PAC. By: stdout

Started by AutoPost, November 17, 2023, 04:00:15 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #10950: 4zu0-PAC

Author: stdout
Size: 255x255

The saga continues in the campaign to return the worlds of the Rennervate system back into the rightful hands of the creeper. #PlayAsCreeper #PAC

Martin Gronsdal

to what extend is the Forge an important target in PAC games? I don't always see a real difference, after removing the enemy Forge

in a normal CW3 game, losing the Forge usually means loading the last save...


It depends on the map. In this one, the forge upgrades are weapon range and speed both upgraded three times, and that's all. So by destroying the forge, you drastically nerf the weapons fighting against you. Going straight for the forge in this map was the route I took. Then I turned west and went straight for the CN.

I wish there was a way to communicate what the forge upgrades are, though. I guess the best way is to put that as a message in the opening dialog or in the description when the map is uploaded.

Martin Gronsdal

Johnny Haywire

This map was way too small and there were hardly any power zones. I mean, you can't buy anything with 150 cents these days, so what can you do with only 150 power zones? =P

Honestly, this was a fun map - no real roadblocks, just a couple diversions here and there. I especially like that there were so many different paths and options available.

Oh, do the spores have higher armor / HP than in a normal game or am I just imagining things? Also really liked the lower cooldown for the spores. In fact, I can't think of anything I didn't like! Great job!

Thanks for the map!!
You disagree with this sentence, don't you?

Charlie Martini

Can you control where the creeper bombs go? I'm going to try to use the landing areas of the creeper bombs to build out my digitalis since trying to work directly with the sole emitter has been fruitless. Sorry, I'm sure I'm not using the correct names of the some of the items I'm referring to, but I'm sure regular players know which items I'm referring to. Thanks in advance

Charlie Martini

I got those questions resolved when I clicked around a bit.