like to replay maps?

Started by DarthVader12, August 22, 2010, 06:35:01 PM

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i hate to replay maps with 1500 maps i just find a different one


Excuse me, but what was the point of making this thread?
Lying is an Art Form, to succeed, some truth most be woven into the fabric of deception -Anonymous
If you want something done then do it yourself, if you can't,then ask someone to do it for you, making sure to compensate later. If you cannot do that, then you're better off doing nothing at all -Me


If I believe I can improve my score significantly, I may replay a map. Often when I see some threads about a map, I might try and improve an existing score.  Also, I've replayed many of the built-in story and mission maps as my skills have improved and I could improve my times.


Hmmm, so thats it, Ignore my previous statement. I only replay maps if they are THAT fun to play, sometimes I modify them in the map editor then play them.
Lying is an Art Form, to succeed, some truth most be woven into the fabric of deception -Anonymous
If you want something done then do it yourself, if you can't,then ask someone to do it for you, making sure to compensate later. If you cannot do that, then you're better off doing nothing at all -Me


I love to try and beat my score on a map its great fun.


I don't like to re-play maps

I just make more maps
We have become the creeper...


I rarely replay maps. Sometimes I'll see something likely to cut a big chunk out of my time on the first time through and go for an immediate round 2; and occasionally I'll get a wild hare and re-play an older one with a long time.
Power. Power! I must have more POWER!


I like it alot when i see that someone has replayed my maps =D
Here's an map where it has happend :

SPIFFENs Corners

( 1 Rotter 8561 10 min 5 sec 17 )
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I only replay maps if they are or short, or they have multiple paths to achieve victory, or someone beated my score and I'm in a competitive mood (which doesn't happen much).

Quote from: SPIFFEN on August 24, 2010, 11:07:09 AM
I like it alot when i see that someone has replayed my maps =D
Here's an map where it has happend :

SPIFFENs Corners

( 1 Rotter 8561 10 min 5 sec 17 )

I also remember some anonymus guy that had 27(!) scores on a map of Kees.

EDIT: Wow 38 already.


Thats cool =) unless there is 38 different players =P
( I dont know how it works when players leave/post the name as "empty" when they subbmit an score . )

( maybe someone has tested this or know how it works when this is done )
PLZ THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU CALL YOUR TOPIC ! It will make the search work better =)
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Quote from: SPIFFEN on August 24, 2010, 11:36:17 AM
Thats cool =) unless there is 38 different players =P
( I dont know how it works when players leave/post the name as "empty" when they subbmit an score . )

( maybe someone has tested this or know how it works when this is done )

Could be but 38 times that noone entered a name while on most maps you never see anonymus ???
Or it's a coïncidence or someone really wants to be a chemist.


he he , it's cool anyway =)
I dont think i'm the only one who think it's nice to see that players has tryed/played your map/s more than 1 time =)
PLZ THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU CALL YOUR TOPIC ! It will make the search work better =)
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How to make links


Quote from: SPIFFEN on August 24, 2010, 11:56:40 AM
he he , it's cool anyway =)
I dont think i'm the only one who think it's nice to see that players has tryed/played your map/s more than 1 time =)

Yep, you're right. Or as they'd say in my country: it's a thruth like a cow.


I was planning on replaying all of them to get high scores... but that was before the Chronom update =]. With Story + Conquest + Special Ops, it would have been do-able but time consuming... but now that's just not gonna happen. Although I am pretty close to the all-time high score board for Story Mode. Just a few more points =].


Yeah, I had that idea as well until I discovered the custom maps. There are more than 3000 of them now, so I guess there's no need for replayability. ;)

By the way, those last few story point will be the hardest, especially when you plan on beating the cheaters in the table. The left table is the all-time highscore table, the one on the right contains just the most recent scores (from the last month I believe), so you still have some work to do! ;D
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