Custom Map #3297: Escape Room #1. By: ShadowCryptic

Started by AutoPost, July 07, 2022, 12:12:41 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #3297: Escape Room #1

Author: ShadowCryptic
Size: 256x160


So really, you could have increased the yield on the Redon crystal. It serves no purpose to have to wait such a long time.


Quote from: Karsten75 on July 07, 2022, 10:31:40 AM
So really, you could have increased the yield on the Redon crystal. It serves no purpose to have to wait such a long time.

Came to comment the same. Between the Redon and Bluite, about 12 minutes of doing absolutely nothing is added to the map. The map could also probably be compressed a little to reduce the time waiting on building even further.

Overall, a decent little puzzle, just with an extremely boring segment right in the middle.

