Custom Map #3172: VPAC Standard Procedure.. By: Vertu

Started by AutoPost, May 18, 2022, 09:11:43 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #3172: VPAC Standard Procedure.

Author: Vertu
Size: 220x120


For once the performance worsened as you get closer to victory. Not better!
This is due to how performance efficient everything is now. Nothing is taking a real toll as much anymore.
The Solar Damage script probably was causing increased slowdown as it had to calculate more and more cells that did have Creeper rather than doing a quick few lines for ever unoccupied cell of Creeper. I will look into this though I don't see much room to improve it given how it works so I will probably just limit the "Solar Damage" hazard to small large type maps at biggest.
Life isn't fair because we say it isn't. Not because it is unfair. In fact, it is so fair we want to say it isn't and do.


i updated the version of the game, hq and lancer work now but i dont see any difference in the heirght of the lacer.
was still laggy, dont know what solar damage is tho :)


I tried it and it seemed pretty laggy before even going through the first defense line at the start