Custom Map #9944: I am Groot. By: stdout

Started by AutoPost, March 31, 2022, 05:42:18 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #9944: I am Groot

Author: stdout
Size: 120x200

I am Groot. (Translation: In honor of the recent challenging and fun maps by AlexX, this map is presented as a spore heavy but not terribly difficult fun game.)


cool. the map is fun and beautifully designed plus story. thank's for making these. I'll try again later to get a better time. I still have to improve the start significantly.
aka: AlexX


Not too long ago, someone described the "Guppy/Nullifier" trick, where you can have both of them present at the same spot.
Would someone please describe it again (this time I'll bookmark it).

Martin Gronsdal

1. Pause game
2. Send guppy to desired location
3. Tap unpause and pause very fast. The guppy should barely lift
4. Send guppy home to guppy base
5. Build a nullifier (or whatever else you want) on the desired location
6. Unpause
7. Guppy should now fly to the desired spot and build your nullifier regardless of being sent home


8 targets down at once.
Very nice.
Bookmarked with thanks,


Quote from: Helper on April 01, 2022, 05:41:23 AM
Not too long ago, someone described the "Guppy/Nullifier" trick, where you can have both of them present at the same spot.
Would someone please describe it again (this time I'll bookmark it).

as martin wrote - it's just easier for me to "fast forward" a frame with pressing "N" in pause mode and then send the guppy back
aka: AlexX


Interestingly the guppy will not return for a second visit once refulled though, you have to repeat the process.

I just used 2CNs for that H but the guppy is handy to keep a mortor going on the resulting PZ

I love you maps S, they are so replayable. And I love Groot.

Martin Gronsdal

Also, if you try to build something that requires more energy than what the guppy has, it won't be finished as thr guppy can't return


Thanks D, H, AlexX, etc, I appreciate the kind words. Map making is a creative outlet that I use to restart my mind when my IRL work gets bogged down. I make maps first for the art/creativity, and then secondarily the reward is hoping my CW3 friends will enjoy it. The best reward is hearing that you enjoyed the map.


Using 2 CNs initially, and then following that up with the two guppies, was exactly the technique this map was made to exploit.


Nice, a deliberate chink in the armour :)


Quote from: Martin Gronsdal on April 01, 2022, 08:36:05 AM
Also, if you try to build something that requires more energy than what the guppy has, it won't be finished as thr guppy can't return

Hmmm...I was able to get both Thors built with the Guppies, but it did take a few trips.

Great map!


Where did you find a couple of cheeky Thors from?!

Personaly I just built two berthas on the closet two PZs 


Quote from: D0m0nik on April 01, 2022, 01:13:13 PM
Where did you find a couple of cheeky Thors from?!

My version of CW3 allows me 2 Thors per game.
It helps a lot with the tougher maps.

