Custom Map #2894: Play As Creeper: AirSac demo. By: Heritor

Started by AutoPost, February 19, 2022, 11:15:34 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #2894: Play As Creeper: AirSac demo

Author: Heritor
Size: 320x200


It's certainly an interesting concept, despite the obvious cheese of rushing the rift lab.   I liked being able to throw the ropes around, a little forward movement before releasing turned it into a whip.  It takes a little bit of practice to get used to but you start improving at it fairly quickly.   

As for constructive criticism... If you release, and then try adding right away, it will reattach the ones you just threw and they won't land. That means you kind of have to wait a little bit after firing, and the camera means you can't always see if the orbs are far enough away to start making new orbs.  It would be nice to have a 3rd person view, so you can see a bit more of what your orbs are doing.  It's also a lot of clicking, so maybe if you could hold the mouse button down and get a moderate amount, like 5/sec. 
I'm known as Auri in cw4.


First off, welcome back. Haven't seen one of your maps in months.

Second, love the concept. Aiming is...a nightmare. The orbs never go where you want them to (it seemed like 80% of the time they gravitated to the void). I definitely prefer the more accurate aiming of the normal FPS maps. Although that kind of accuracy with flight would probably be overpowered. Basically the only time they went where I wanted them is when I stayed perfectly still, but they had a tendency to hang in the air until I moved again.

As for the map itself, I feel like it could have used a few nullified emitters. If you're trying to avoid cheesing it, there's so much AC on the final island that your progress gets immediately undone when the mesh gets there and pulls in all that AC to wipe out the pitiful amount of creeper you've managed to place down. A few emitters along that path would have helped keep the AC from swamping you. There also doesn't seem to be a lot of reason to wipe out the large landmass. It would have been nice if going that route would starve them of redon/bluite, making the final island easier to take on. But there's more than enough of both on the last island to sustain the enemy.

I wanna see this get refined and improved because I've been waiting for a PAC FPS map. So hopefully we see more soon.


I like it, but it needs to not reattached separated chains. Also having the camera separate from the airsac so you could see how your chain is moving would be great. Also my mouse finger wants me to ask for an autofire.


I like this, but I would like for the orbs to be automatically created instead of requiring me to install cookie clicker bot
When you want an explanation for something I use in my levels, or if you want to suggest something, feel free to tell me. Just don't ask/suggest things every other day please :P

Fabio pen

Interesting , but I almost broke my mouse ... I can not tell what is happening , and there are two bugs , orbs on the floor that do not explode , and chains of orbs that are attached to an arm after you die .


Absolutely amazing concept! I absolutely love the idea, and it is fun to toss orbs around. There's only 1 other flying FPS map, and so I treasure this PoC greatly.

That said, when it comes to making full levels of this, the current state is a clicking nightmare. This needs to have a way to
A) Spawn orbs without clicking constantly for 10, 20, 30, 40, ... minutes straight.
B) A way to increase orb spawn over time, as I found myself stuck on assaulting the rift lab at the end, as a giant pool of anti-creep was continually spawning, and I could not reasonably keep up with it for an extended period of time.

But I do love it, and with a little polish, this would be a great game mode!


Aiming is easy enough (go forward, stop, right mouse, wait) - as long as you look straight in front of you. as soon as you look around while you´ve orbs attached, they´ll fly like crazy.
but there´s to much anti-creep. I first thought, I´ll go away, if I start with killing all the sprayers... but it wasnt really helping. after freeing the biggest parts of the map, and anticreep still going up (more than 3/4 where already free of anti-creep), I killed the rift lab, seeing the anti-creep breeder. without the breeder it would have been fun.


Was interested in trying the Airsac idea.  Overall, needs work.  Aiming is brutal when you can not see the chain or what is going on.  Had to take the tactic of floating over a target, stabilize and then dcreate/drop orbs.  Needs 3rd person for this.  No cheese for me and the map was just grindy.  Progress made on one side was lost when I went to work another.  Got to a point where I just quit the map rather than try to make any more progress.


It's a fantastic concept but I agree it needs a lot of work.
I don't think criticism of the map is useful since this is the first test of the concept.

3ed person would help with a lot especially aiming. Since orbs swing underneath you and when you release they go on momentum knowing how they're swinging in 3ed person would help.
collision with other orbs throws off a lot of what you think is going to happen.