Custom Map #2818: VPAC Tech Advantage. By: Vertu

Started by AutoPost, January 28, 2022, 07:37:55 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #2818: VPAC Tech Advantage

Author: Vertu
Size: 256x160


The Creeper V System might of underestimated the power of vanilla units...
Life isn't fair because we say it isn't. Not because it is unfair. In fact, it is so fair we want to say it isn't and do.


That was a lot of fun. Without the custom AI units, the map ran smooth for me.  TCML is a new favorite weapon.  I didn't realize (on the tutorial map) that the TCML destroys anything it hits and leaves behind 500 creeper.  Much fun hitting something and dropping an advanced emitter on the pile of creeper. I'm sure the AI was like "grrrr stop doing THAT!"

Loving the custom stash too.  Drop an 18,000 in the corner and connect it with mesh to an emitter. Sit back and watch the waves eat everything up.

SAM-AV came in handy too in killing off the initial bombers.

Great map. Nicely balanced. Looking forward to more.


Fun map. Bit of a weak point in the northern middle defenses though. It's not too terribly difficult to push north, then immediately veer west and then just field gen your way through the shields for a quick win. Still took a few egg volleys to deal with the ERN'd units on the way there though. But you can basically speedrun this map. Managed a 44 minute win on the hard setting.