Custom Map: SPIFFENs Rose

Started by AutoPost, July 19, 2010, 10:39:25 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map: SPIFFENs Rose


Emitter info : 0,5 , 1 , 100 and 60 , 60 , 1000 .
Might be abit hard to keep your connection with that strong Emitter =P

First find an way to stay safe so you can build up ,
and find the best way to connect .


Great Map!   One of my favorites already.  Had plenty of time to build up, but those emitters still kicked my butt at the end.


Thx , i'm glad that you enjoyd it =)
Think i used 3 mortars and 2 Blasters to stay safe .
But it was an way to stay safe to make sure that the map could be finnished =P
PLZ THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU CALL YOUR TOPIC ! It will make the search work better =)
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